How To Earn Points
Earning points is simple. Attend technology trainings, complete technology courses, and/or get one-on-one coaching from your instructional technology facilitator for integrating technology for your lessons. Hours of training converts into points for redemption of items in the technology store.
Tech Point Policy
Points begin with any technology training in the 2022-2023 school year. Tech Points are awarded to classroom teachers for Technology Staff Development sponsored by the Technology Department. Teachers receive 1 Tech Point per completed hour and can spend the points in the Tech Point Store at any time. Points can accumulate from year to year. The more Tech Classes attended, the more Tech Points earned.
Note: Tech Points are awarded to LPPS classroom teachers only. This equipment is the property of the teacher as long as she/he remains an employee of LPSB. When the teacher leaves the parish the equipment must be returned to the school administrator. Tech Points are individually earned and redeemed. They are not transferable.