DOOH increases app download rates. A Paravi success story

- Overall app download rates increased, particularly in the male segment, up 15%

For all ad exposed groups, the download rate was 10% higher than for non-exposed groups. Focusing on the male segment, the target audience for this campaign, it was up 15%. 

- Male 50s up by 50%

Among the ad exposed male groups aged between 50 and 60, the download rate was 50% higher than among the non-exposed groups. 

On the other hand, there was no increase with ad exposure in the male groups aged 20 to 30. 

- 38% increase in app downloads among dormant male users in their 20s.

Restricted to dormant users, the download rate increased by 38% due with the ad exposure.

-  Analyze app activation rate between ad exposed and non-exposed groups

A comparison of the app activation rate by the frequency of use among existing Paravi users showed that there was a spike in activation among the user segments (medium frequency users) who activate the app about once a month with the ad exposure.

-   Increased app download rates in Kanto area

Comparing the download rate across the two segments – Kanto area and Outside-Kanto area, in both areas, the download rate increased as a result of ad exposure. However, the effect was particularly significant in the Outside-Kanto area. 

In the Kanto area, where TV ratings and YouTube metrics have also been sluggish, the addition of OOH has proved effective.

Tsutomu Ono, 

Director of Promotion Department, Premium Platform Japan

Tsutomu Ono, Director of Promotion Department, Premium Platform Japan, said

“Until now, the verification of advertising effectiveness of OOH, including DOOH, has been limited to calculating reach by estimation and brand lift surveys, etc., and it has been a challenge to objectively and numerically prove ‘advertising effectiveness’. It was very useful to be able to use the data cleanroom solution to analyse the KGIs such as app installations and launches, which were the main objectives of this campaign, from a different perspective. Of particular interest was the analysis focused on dormant users, as well as the analysis by ad creatives and by region.

While it is important to evaluate the results of the current campaign, I very much expect that similar analyses to be repeated in the future to establish benchmarks, that can then be used to plan, activate and evaluate campaigns by region and by ad creative”. 

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