Mrs. Pierce

Mrs. Pierce's Zoom Link E-mail:

Lesson's for the week of 5/11-5/15 (click the links):

Wednesday Zoom

Review Week: You Made it!!!!

Book for the week: I Knew You Could! By: Craig Dorfman

Song: Row, row, row your boat (This is a much more entertaining version than me on my ukulele.)

Question: How do machines help us move things? (The link is a Blippi video about lots of different types of machines and how they help people get work done.)

Literacy Circle:

Break It!: Deleting Phonemes. Have your child delete the first sound from blended initial sounds:

  • claw without /k/= law blend - /b/= lend crib - /k/= rib

  • snow - /s/= no slab - /s/= lab play- /p/= lay

  • stone - /s/= tone brush - /b/= rush skit - /s/=kit

Letter Sounds: All letters of the Alphabet!!! (practice writing them and saying their sounds)


  • Review:

    • Shapes- square, rectangle, triangle, circle

      • Combining shapes to make other shapes (Triangle to make square/rectangle, etc...

      • Slides, flips, and rotations=shapes stay the same.

    • Solids- Sphere, cylinder, cube, cone

    • Longer or Shorter

    • Which is heavier?


  • Magnets- is it made of metal?

    • Take a magnet around and find objects that are made of metal.

    • Work with magnets to make things move.