Safety Online

The internet provides an opportunity to enhance students’ learning experiences by providing access to vast amounts of information across the globe. Online communication links students to provide a collaborative learning environment and is intended to assist with learning outcomes. Today’s students are exposed to online communication tools and the internet in their community. They have the right to expect secure access to these services as part of their learning experiences with the College.

NOTE: St Mary’s Catholic College has adopted the policy for school students created by the NSW Department of Education and Communities, for the appropriate and acceptable use of internet and online communication services. Minor changes have been made to the original document to suit our particular circumstances.

Rules and Expectations

Below is a condensed summary of the rules for students using devices at school:

  1. Students can only use the designated wireless data network supplied by the College (cash-wireless)
  2. Students can only use their own, individual user account credentials.
  3. Students must not connect to any other network, wired, wireless or cellular.
  4. Students are responsible for the security of their password and all other personal information.
  5. Students are responsible for their activity on the network.
  6. Students are to follow the direction of their teacher when using their device.
  7. Students are responsible for the safe and secure storage of their device.
  8. Students are responsible to report any inappropriate behaviour and/or material to their teacher.

Note: Students are responsible for reading and ensuring they understand all the responsibilities outlined in the College BYOD Policy and the Acceptable Use of ICT document.


Bullying can make us feel unsafe and unhappy. It stops us from being who we want to be, and can make it hard to learn and be with other people.

If you are being bullied or you see bullying happening, do something! If you are bullying others, take the first step to stopping by getting help.

If bullying isn't challenged, it can create an environment where bullying is accepted and where everyone feels powerless to stop it.

Do you use the internet to share information about yourself or others, communicate with friends, comment on what you see online, play games, get material for an assignment or buy stuff online? If you answered YES to any of these, you are a digital citizen.

Why is digital citizenship important? Do you want to get the best out of using the internet and keep yourself and others safe and healthy in an online world? Use these materials to learn what it takes to become a positive digital citizen.

What is Budd:e?

Budd:e (Secondary) has been developed for Australian secondary schools, specifically for Years 7 and 8. Budd:e is education about the risks people take by going online, and the possible consequences of those risks. It's also education about the technical and behavioural measures we can all use, to help reduce our risk, and bolster online security. Security for people, for internet devices, and for personal data.

The Budd:e Cybersecurity Education package contains engaging, media-rich activities and resources. It is part of the broader Australian Government cybersecurity initiative, aimed at creating a safer, more secure online environment for all Australian children.

For Parents


Digital Parenting Magazine

This magazine has helped millions of families get to grips with the digital world. You can read it online for free and find previous issues of the magazine.