Researcher's Reflection Space (RRS)


The RRS is a space where you can record their journey they go through when researching and reflecting in the Extended Essay. It is designed to highlight the your development in the skills needed to succeed in the Extended Essay. It ids important to note down the challenges you encounter during the entire process as this will spur conversations with your supervisors and provide content for your initial and interim reflection as well as your viva voce.

You may choose the format of their RRS but at LISA it is recommended that you share a folder with your supervisor through your school googledrive. Within this folder you may have google docs, images or any other files that may be of use to your progress and reflection.

Although your RRS is not formally assessed, it will act as a journal which your supervisors can see your research and you can draw from it when you're writing your reflections.

For more information on the RRS please click here.