Student Research Resources

Are you looking for information or researching a topic?
Click the images below to find information that will help you out!

All Databases in this section need the Lisle 202 Usernames and Passwords except for National Geographic

Britannica School logo

UN: lisle202 PW: lisle202

Britannica School is an informational resource for Elementary, Middle, and High School. Discover encyclopedia articles, multimedia, primary sources, games, and other learning resources that support student research and reinforce curriculum standards.

Britannica Image logo

UN: lisle202 PW: lisle202

Britannica ImageQuest contains millions of royalty free images on one site from 60 of the world's most respected image libraries for use by students and teachers.

World Book online logo

UN: lisle202 PW: lisle

World Book Online provides the same expert information found in The World Book Encyclopedia in an interactive, online environment. The content is divided into grade levels K+, 5+, 9+. A timeline and Spanish component are also available for use.

BrainPop logo

UN: lisle202les PW: lions

BrainPOP is a subscription-based educational video, game, and activity site for students in grades 3 and up Subjects include science, social studies, English, mathematics, engineering & technology, health, arts and music. The subjects contain videos.

BrainPop Jr logo

UN: lisle202les PW: lions

BrainPOP Jr. is a subscription-based educational video, game, and activity site for students in kindergarten through third grade. The main page is divided into math, reading and writing, science, social studies, health, and arts and technology. Students choose one of the six main subjects. When they click the subject, more specific categories appear. Each category contains individual videos and activity pages.

BrainPop Espanol logo

UN: lisle202les PW: lions

BrainPOP Espanol is a comprehensive English language learning program for students of all ages. It consists of short, animated movies as well as games, quizzes, and interactive features encompassing the four main language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

PebbleGo logo

UN: LES123 PW: books

PebbleGo is a curricular content hub specifically designed for K-3 students. Packed with informational articles, ready-made activities, and literacy support for students of all abilities. It boosts engagement and fosters independent learning in core subject areas.

PebbleGo next logo

UN: LES123 PW: books

PebbleGo Next is a kid-friendly research database for students in grades 3-6. Short text-based descriptions, images, videos, and games provide students with a well-rounded exploration of science and social studies-related topics.

National Geographic Kids logo

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS features educational games, videos, and other activities, centered mostly on animals and the natural world. Kids also can get a virtual tour of different countries, featuring fun facts and other information.

Additional Resources

Wonderopolis logo

Wonderopolis is an informational site that helps kids ask and answer interesting questions about the world. Every day, a new "Wonder of the Day" question is posted -- each designed to get kids to think, talk, and find learning moments together in everyday life.

Lisle Library logo