
We are accepting volunteers for the

2022-2023 School Year

Mrs. Wojcik and Mr. Campian are looking for volunteers to help on specific days with the following:

  • Prepping materials, cutting paper, sorting supplies

  • Stapling artwork up onto bulletin boards around the building

  • Assistance in art room with projects during art class

If you would like to participate in any of these volunteer opportunities, please either contact Mrs. Wojcik directly at jwojcik@Lisle202.org or write your name, your child, and your email address on one of the Art Volunteer Sign-Up sheets in your child's classroom during Open House.

If you have provided this information to Mrs. Wojcik, you will receive emails through a website called Sign-Up Genius. These emails will provide the dates and times available to sign-up for any of the volunteer opportunities above!

Thank you!