Longview ISD Middle School Band Handbook


Longview I.S.D.

Longview, Texas

Updated 2016



It is my desire that the tenure in the band program be one of the most rewarding and enjoyable experiences in your public school career. This handbook has been prepared so that you will be better equipped to be an outstanding band member.

Read it carefully, know its contents from cover to cover, and keep it in a safe place for reference throughout the year.


The Longview bands are revered as among the very best in Texas by students, parents, and directors alike. We must stay increasingly devoted to the standards to which have earned the band such high recognition. We must concentrate our efforts to build on the accomplishments of our band and to continue the tradition of excellence in the upcoming year.

“What has been done in the past

will never be good enough again.”


The purpose of music education in the curriculum can be properly understood only as a part of an aesthetic education, and an aesthetic education can be properly understood only as a part of the education of the whole child.

The emotional, creative, social, and cultural expressions of man are common denominators of all human beings. If education is devoted to the development of the whole person, it must be concerned with the aesthetic qualities of man.

The function of music education in the curriculum should therefore be clear as a requirement for the total development of all students. Man must feel as well as think; he must create as well as discover, and as educators, we must cultivate in the child a sensitivity to the world of sound, form, color, emotions, and spiritual involvement, just as we intellectually must make him aware of language, symbols, and other tools of thought.


It is the responsibility of the music education program in schools to bring to every child the deepest possible understanding and realization of his full potential through awareness of self expression and emotional well being, skills as aids to musical expression, and appreciation through participation.

Increased pressures for scholastic excellence and individual accomplishment further increase the need for music education in the curriculum. Today, more than ever before, music education is important to the mental and physical stability of people.

One of the objectives of music education is the fostering of interest in the personal benefits of self made music as a form of expression, a means of an emotional outlet, a wholesome use of leisure time, and a contributing factor in the development of mental awareness and a well rounded character.

A prime objective of music in education is to develop students who can take the whole experience of the band program and apply these skills in the pursuit of their life goals. We also strive to produce musically sensitive, intelligent adults who fully appreciate the significant contribution that music can make to the individual, and ultimately to the community.


1. Band is an elective course. Any student wishing to enroll into the band is welcome but must adhere to the rules and standards of the band to remain members. Students are evaluated at the end of the year and placed into their respective bands according to skill levels. The director of the middle school is the sole decision maker for this procedure for the sake of the band’s welfare and also for the sake of student.

2. Students moving to Longview I.S.D. must audition with a Longview middle school band director.

3. Band is a full year course. No student may register for only the fall or spring semester.

4. A student who does not choose to be in band for a year may be allowed to re-enter the band program the following year. A conference with the director to discuss and evaluate ability is required.

5. A student who quits band during the school year will not be readmitted to the band program.

6. Band membership is a prerequisite to participate in the jazz band.


Band is not a class that is required by the state. It is strictly an additional course that is offered as extracurricular. Therefore, the band department will have standards above those of the middle school student handbook. Students must comply with the rules, policies, and procedures set forth in the band handbook in order to retain membership in the band program.

A student may be dismissed from the band program because of lack of cooperation, refusal to conform to rules and regulations, a general poor attitude, or an unexcused absence from a performance, rehearsal, or sectional. (Excused or unexcused determined by the band director.) Parents will be contacted by phone with a conference scheduled. If attempts to contact parents are unsuccessful, a registered letter will be mailed to verify contact.

A letter of intent from the student and the parents must be presented to the director of instrumental music and signed by the band director and principal before a schedule will be changed. This is to assure that all issued items have been returned to the band.


The success of any good organization is due mainly to the commitment of its participants to attend all functions that are scheduled. Therefore, attendance at sectionals, rehearsals, and performances is mandatory. Corrective measures will be implemented for students that do not communicate absences in advance or that do not have an excusable reasoning for missing the scheduled activity. These measures can include reduction of grade, sit-ups, running, or corrective measure at the discretion of the director. Frequent absences are grounds for dismissal from the band program.

Students will be notified of all events in advance. Calendars are issued to students prior to each school year to circumvent potential conflicts with employers, other organizations, and/or family functions. We make every effort to keep you informed well in advance of an event.

Any absence or tardy should be communicated to the director prior to the event. Absences will be excused and grades can be made up if you are absent due to a disabling illness or a death in the immediate family. You are expected to play your instrument if you are at school unless you have a note from your doctor. Doctor and dental appointments should be scheduled as not to conflict with band classes, sectionals, and performances. A student that is absent has an adverse effect on the whole group. All absences, excused or unexcused (director’s discretion), must be reported to the band director prior to the absence if at all possible. Any unexcused absence from a performance is grounds for immediate dismissal from the band program


To be in compliance with state law and local district policy, students failing one or more classes at the end of a six weeks is ineligible for performances until they become eligible again. This rule applies where admission is taken, attending a UIL contest, or the event takes place off school grounds. Students who are ineligible are to participate in all band sectionals and daily class work. They will be removed from the performance preparation during class but will still be assigned to a roll that does not hinder them from regaining a position in competitions or performances upon their regaining eligibility.

Students who fall into this situation will not be immediately placed into the band performance group upon regaining their eligibility. The director will try to replace them into this group as positions become available or their skill level has become acceptable.

Remember, your success is our primary concern. Please take care of your education. The keys to being successful in life are good education, hard work and good decisions.


The band grade is determined by general attitude, attendance, participation, and periodic individual performance. Daily and major grades are given and are communicated to students during the school year. Grades can include, but are not restricted to, daily class work, pass offs, sectionals, and performances.



Because of the many contacts a Longview band member makes in public, he/she must act as a goodwill ambassador for the Longview Independent School District. It is expected that each student act like a lady or gentleman at all times. Loud and boisterous conversations do not convey to the public that which typifies the Longview schools, and are thus discouraged. Always conduct yourself as a person with true “class”.

No band member shall knowingly possess, use, transmit, or be under the influence of any controlled substance while at any band function. A controlled substance includes marijuana, illegal drugs, alcohol, and inhalants. A band member who violates this policy will be automatically dismissed from the band program.

Criminal activity conducted outside of the band class will not be tolerated. Students who have been convicted of crimes deemed significant by the middle school director could be subject to disciplinary action including loss of chair placement, suspension of performance privileges, loss of performance privileges, placement on a probationary status, and/or loss of membership.

Students who use tobacco products while under the supervision of LISD band staff will be subject to similar disciplinary action as listed in the aforementioned.

All band members are obligated to note any act of misconduct and call it to the attention of the person involved immediately. If it becomes necessary to correct the same individual the second time, it shall be reported to a band director for immediate action.

Band members are encouraged to cultivate an attitude of good discipline and attention during rehearsal. Each rehearsal should be a musical learning experience for each student. Each performance will be as good as its best rehearsal. Constant disturbance by any band member in rehearsal shows a lack of interest and respect to the band; therefore, these students will be encourages to find another activity in which to hold their attention.

Disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated by any student toward any authority figure. Disrespectful conduct is identified as any verbal, physical, or visual inappropriate behavior.

Probationary period is defined as a designated span of time in which a student must comply with all behavior expectations as defined in the band handbook and the LISD student code of conduct. If at this time a student violates any policy, he/she will be removed from the band program immediately.

Disciplinary measures can include and are not limited to verbal reprimand, sit-ups, running hills, writing assignments, removal from class, isolation, after school detention, suspension of privileges, probation, removal from performances, removal from band, etc…


Participation in the Longview Band Program is a privilege and not a right. Consequently, everyone associated with the Longview Band Program is expected to adhere to a standard that exceeds the expectations of those not associated with the Longview Band Program. Once becoming a part of any program within the Longview Band Department, all involved become a part of something bigger than themselves. As a condition of being a part of the Longview Band Program, all involved are expected to abide by the following rules related to the use of the internet and social media:

1. Any postings or communications via social media which disrupts either the educational or athletic environments or which advocate the violation of any school or group policy is prohibited.

2. Online postings of pictures, information or other content considered to be unsportsmanlike, derogatory, degrading, or harmful to oneself, other students/teachers, groups, Directors, the Band Department or school is prohibited. Examples would be obscene images/language, nudity, references to alcohol, drugs, sex, or illegal activities.

3. Posting of any content online that would constitute a violation of the Longview Band Program and I.S.D. Code of Conduct is prohibited.

4. All the laws related to the use of the internet(inluding state and federal privacy laws) should be adhered to at all times.

All involved in the Longview Band Program are required to abide by the rules set forth in these guidelines. Failure to follow these guidelines will be considered a violation of the Longview Band Code of Conduct and/or Longview I.S.D. Code of Conduct.


1. No gum, candy, food, or drink is allowed.

2. Horseplay will not be acceptable at any time.

3. Get a drink of water and go to the restroom prior to rehearsal.

4. Check your instrument before rehearsal and get it fixed at that time. Have

necessary supplies (reed, valve oil, etc.) before rehearsal begins.

5. Get all notes signed before or after rehearsal.

6. Be in your chair with your instrument and everything you need (music, pencil, good reeds, etc.) before the scheduled rehearsal time. Do not have extra personal things or instrument cases at your seat. Leave these in your assigned instrument slot.

7. Do not get out of your chair for any reason after rehearsal begins unless it is an emergency and you have asked for and received permission from the director.

8. If your instrument will not work during rehearsal, wait until after rehearsal to get it fixed. Sit, finger the part, and listen to instructions. When you realize that there is an instrument problem, report it to a director as soon as possible –before school- so he/she can try to get it fixed for rehearsal. If a woodwind is taken to the shop for repairs, make sure to remove the mouthpiece, ligature, and reeds. If you have these items, you can play a temporary instrument that a director issues to you.

9. When the director stops the band, it is to give instruction for the benefit of the band; give the director your undivided attention at all times.

10. Do not distract the class during rehearsal for any reason, except to ask the director about the music or instructions that have been given by raising your hand for permission to speak. Most importantly, actively listen to the director.

11. No electronic devices will be allowed in class. If you are seen with it out for any reason (checking time, messages etc…), you will be asked to surrender it to the director. You may get it back at the discretion of the director.

12. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in a verbal reprimand, student/teacher conference, teacher/parent conference, loss of chair placement, assignment of a written report, or other behavior modification techniques at the discretion of the band director.


1. You are performing as soon as you enter the stadium. People are watching you; therefore, image is important.

2. You will have assigned seats in the stadium. You will remain in your assigned area during the game.

3. When the band plays, everyone is expected to play. Always be ready to do your job. Do not stop playing until the band finishes.

4. Take your music to the stands. A lyre is recommended to help you manage your music.

5. When the team scores, the band may celebrate after we play the "Fight Song".

6. There will be no "dancing" in the stands.

7. There are to be no soft drinks in the stands. We will provide water when needed. Make your parents aware that they may not bring you food or drink in the stands.

8. Do not eat in stands.


1. Follow instructions concerning what to wear for bus trips.

2. Walk to enter any cafeteria or restaurant. Any specific order of loading or unloading will be announced at the appropriate time.

3. Leave the first seats on either aisle empty for chaperones.

4. Silence is required during roll checks or when instructions are being given by the director, band officer, chaperon, or bus driver.

5. Stay seated while the bus is moving.

6. Keep hands, arms, and heads inside the windows. On charter buses, do not open any windows without the permission of the bus driver. Curtains on charter buses are for decoration. Do not touch these.

7. Do not try to communicate with anyone outside the bus. If it is necessary, you will be allowed to get off the bus to talk to parents or other people.

8. Small audio devices are permissible only with headphones, and the volume must be turned down so that only the user can hear it.

9. No singing, yelling or cheering is allowed on the bus. Save it for the stands and pep rallies.

10. Talking is allowed at mezzo forte levels, with the following exceptions:

A. While a bus is in town, volume must decrease to mezzo piano.

B. When the bus enters the parking area, all talking must cease so the bus driver can hear instructions.

11. Eating and/or drinking on a bus is a privilege that we enjoy as long as we meet our responsibilities in keeping the bus clean. Dispose of all trash in a garbage can. If you drop a food item or trash on the floor, pick it up. We want the bus to be as clean or cleaner after our trip is completed. The only drinks charter bus companies allow are screw top plastic bottles. Only snack items (chips, candy, etc…) are allowed on charter buses. Food from home or a restaurant is not allowed.

13. Be considerate of other people. Talk quietly. Not everyone wants to hear you.

14. When leaving a bus, be sure all windows are closed. After returning to school, double check to be sure you unloaded all of your personal belongings and instrument. These items should be put in the assigned areas or taken home to practice. Charter bus windows are never to be opened unless directed by the bus driver or chaperones.

15. If you are not returning home with the band, you may be released to your parents. Your parents need to come to the bus or stands and sign you out with a director or chaperone. If your parents want you to leave with someone else, they will need to send a note stating who you are to be released to one day prior to the trip. People to whom you may be released to are: other band parents, adult family members, or other school personnel. That person will have to come to the bus and sign you out. Please do not ask the directors to vary this procedure.

16. Our parent chaperones are our guests who are here to help. You should

act in a positive, respectful, polite manner to them at all times.

17. As a representative of the band program, you are judged by everyone all the

time wherever you are. Your actions reflect on the Longview band program.

18. Movies for the charter bus trips must be approved by a director. Movies must rated PG or G.


All band students will travel with the band to band events. Written notification of trip departures and estimated time of return to Longview will be given to your child the week of the activity. Please make arrangements to pick up your child in a timely manner.


All students will be given the opportunity to perform with the band. However, there are circumstances under which a student may not be allowed to perform:

1. Failure to perform music or marching fundamentals at acceptable levels.

2. Students who miss or are tardy to rehearsals.

3. Director discretion (usually involves cases of student misconduct).

4. Ineligibility (No Pass, No Play state law).


(Advanced Band)

Summer band rehearsals are of extreme importance to our program and attendance is mandatory (refer to the attendance policy for clarification). We learn the majority of our music and marching fundamentals. This time is of vital importance in creating a strong cohesiveness within our program. Absence from this function can result in assignment to an alternate status or loss of membership.


Advanced band members will have required sectional rehearsals. These sectionals will be determined by the director at the beginning of the school year and information about times and sections will be given to parents at the beginning of each semester. Directors need the ability to work in smaller groups to evaluate section and individual deficiencies in order to best serve band welfare and each child respectively. Band members will receive grades for attendance as an extension of the class curriculum. Attendance at these rehearsals is mandatory. Excessive absences may result in removal from the performing ensemble.


Chair placement will be determined by periodic testing and class observation. Challenges for higher chairs can be available as determined by the band director. If your child is not satisfied with his/her placement, he or she can be allowed an opportunity to challenge members for higher placement. Visit with your director for information on this option.


Student volunteers will be selected for the loading crew for all band activities. These students will be the right hands of the band directors. Activities will include loading buses or band truck for out of town activities, setting up chairs and stands in the morning before school, painting stands, filing music, and other activities that will help the band run efficiently. These students will receive extra privileges for their efforts.


Students are responsible for returning all school issued equipment and uniforms. Replacement values will be assigned for abused or lost items. School issued horns that show any damage due to irresponsibility or abuse will be repaired at the students’ expense.

Fundraisers are necessary to help pay for extra band activities. Participation in these activities reflects acceptance of the financial responsibility. Please keep all accounts current and debts are expected to be cleared up no later than seven days after the completion of each fundraiser.

Student participation in extracurricular activities may be suspended due to past due debts on fundraisers.


Advanced Band: The school will provide a tuxedo shirt, bow tie, black pants and cummerbund for each student. Girls can wear long black dresses if they so desire. They must be formal attire and modestly designed. Black shoes must be worn in combination with the uniform which is the responsibility of the student. Marching performance attire will be khaki pants, band t-shirt, mostly white tennis shoes, and tall white socks. This is also provided by each student.


Rules and description of this tryout will be provided by the director for any student wishing to audition for a spot on the majorette line.


The eighth grade band students take a trip to Six Flags Over Texas in May. The band boosters will pay for the transportation and ticket price. Each eighth grade student can attend this event if they have fulfilled the following criteria:

  1. The student must be an eighth grader
  2. The member must attend and perform in the UIL Concert and Sightreading contest.


LHS Band Office- (903) 663-7212

Forest Park Band Hall– (903) 446-2514

Foster Band Hall – (903) 446-2735

Judson Band Hall – (903) 446-2642

Directors reserve the right in our sole discretion to make changes from time to time and without notice as to ensure that appropriate measures regarding policy can be made which are overlooked or not included within the specific constraints of the aforementioned policies. This disclaimer is written only for director flexibility for actions that need to be taken for the health of the program and for the sake of each student respectively (as it pertains to behavior and disciplinary measures). It is intended to be exercised only in situations that need to be addressed and corrected which have not arisen in the past and/or are not included in the handbook.

Parent/Student UIL Marching Band

Acknowledgement Form

No student may be required to attend practice for marching band for more than eight hours of rehearsal outside the academic day per calendar week (Sunday through Saturday). This provision applies to students in all components of the marching band.

On performance days (football games, competitions and other public performances), bands may hold up to one additional hour of warm-up and practice beyond the scheduled warm-up time at the performance site. Multiple performances on the same day do not allow for additional practice and/or warm-up time.

Examples of Activities Subject To The UIL Marching Band Eight Hour Rule.

ï Marching Band Rehearsal (Both Full Band And Components)

ï Any Marching Band Group Activity

ï Breaks

ï Announcements

ï Debriefing And Viewing Marching Band Videos

ï Playing Off Marching Band Music

ï Marching Band Sectionals (Both Director And Student Led)

ï Clinics For The Marching Band Or Any Of Its Components

The Following Activities Are Not Included In The Eight Hour Time Allotment:

ï Travel Time To and From Rehearsals And/Or Performances

ï Rehearsal Set-Up Time

ï Pep Rallies, Parades and Other Public Performances

ï Instruction and Practice for Music Activities Other Than Marching Band And Its Components

NOTE: An extensive Q&A for the Eight Hour Rule for Marching Band can be found on the Music Page of the UIL Web Site at:

By signing the Lobo Band Handbook acknowledgement Form, you agree to: “Read and understand the Eight-Hour Rule for Marching Band as stated above and agree to abide by these regulations.”

Extracurricular Activities

Drug Testing Procedures

  1. Purpose

The purpose of the Longview Independent School District’s drug testing program is to provide students who exercise their privilege to participate in extracurricular activities with a means to combat peer pressure and prevent the harmful effects of drug use. This testing program is adopted in order to address problems caused by drug use among the seventh-twelfth grade student body.

There shall be no academic or disciplinary consequences for a positive drug test under these procedures. The only penalty for a positive drug test under this policy shall be the curtailment or loss of the privilege to participate in extracurricular activities.

  1. Applicability

Participants in the following extracurricular activities shall be subject to the drug testing program in 2005-2006.

  • Athletics
  • Cheerleading
  • Band/Orchestra
  • Choir
  • Viewettes/Drill Team

The drug testing program is not limited to the extracurricular activities listed above; however, notice will be given and proper consent obtained prior to the inclusion of additional extracurricular activities in the testing program.

  1. Objectives
    1. To provide a deterrent to drug use for any Longview Independent School District (hereinafter referred to as the District) student (hereinafter referred to as the Extracurricular Activity Participant) who participates in extracurricular activities in grades seven through twelve;
    2. To provide a drug education program for those Extracurricular Activity Participants who test positive for drug use and for Extracurricular Activity Participants at risk for drug use; and
    3. To ensure the health and safety of Extracurricular Activity Participants.
  2. Plan
  3. The Director of Extracurricular Activities (DECA) shall be responsible for oversight of the drug testing program for students in applicable District extracurricular activities.
  4. Extracurricular Activity Participants in grades seven through twelve (male and female) who are involved in the activities listed in section II shall be subject to this testing program. Testing shall begin in Fall, 2004.
  5. Extracurricular Activity Participants shall be subject to random testing throughout the year.
  6. Extracurricular Activity Participants selected for random testing shall be chosen from a pool of all students participating in extracurricular activities.

The District shall contract with an independent laboratory, which shall conduct drug testing by using immunological screening procedures. Drugs detected by the screen shall be confirmed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy (hereinafter referred to as GC/MS) before being reported as being detected.

  1. Certified lab personnel and/or professional staff shall administer testing.
  2. Drugs Eligible for Testing

  1. Testing Procedures and Protocol
    1. Students in grades seven through twelve who wish to participate in extracurricular activities must submit signed consent forms that agree to drug testing as a condition of participation. If the student is under 18 years of age, his or her parent/guardian shall sign the consent form; if the student is 18 years of age or older, the student shall sign the consent form. The consent form shall be signed at the beginning of the school year or when the Extracurricular Activity Participant first enters an extracurricular activity. A new consent form must be signed and submitted annually for an Extracurricular Activity Participant to continue participating in activities. If the Extracurricular Activity Participant or parent/guardian refuses to consent, the Extracurricular Activity Participant shall be denied participation in extracurricular activities until the consent form is signed and, at parent/guardian expense, the participant undergoes drug testing with a negative result.
    2. Random Testing: Every male and female Extracurricular Activity Participant in grades seven through twelve shall be eligible to be tested during the entire school year. The District will conduct random testing four times per year. Approximately ten percent of eligible high school and approximate ten percent of the eligible seventh and eighth grade Extracurricular Activity Participants shall be randomly selected by the District vendor from a computer program. The final random percentage number shall be determined by the DECA and the District vendor.
    3. Each Extracurricular Activity Participant who is selected for testing shall be required to provide a sample of urine, hair or saliva to the testing administrators immediately upon request. Failure to produce a sample in the allotted time shall be considered a positive screening.
    4. Any Extracurricular Activity Participant refusing to be tested shall be subject to the sanctions as if testing positive.
    5. An Extracurricular Activity Participant’s admission of guilt shall constitute a positive screening.
    6. Any Extracurricular Activity Participant who is caught cheating or tampering with a specimen shall be subject to sanctions as if testing positive.
    7. A strict chain of custody shall be used during the collection of specimens.
    8. The District vendor shall take the specimens to an independent lab for processing. The District vendor shall send the results to the DECA. Specimens shall be labeled with the Extracurricular Activity Participants’ student identification numbers to ensure confidentiality.
    9. Positive screenings shall be confirmed by either the Extracurricular Activity Participant's admission or an additional test from the same sample that shall include GC/MS testing by the District vendor. A positive test result shall not constitute an offense if the Extracurricular Activity Participant’s parent/guardian provides the drug testing vendor with evidence of a valid, legal prescription for the drug identified as positive by the test.
    10. A parent or guardian, at his or her own expense, may request another test of the same sample by another certified laboratory.
    11. The administration of the Drug Testing Procedures and/or the interpretation thereof is left to the discretion of the DECA.
  2. Confidentiality
  3. The collection and coding of specimen samples are executed in a manner ensuring total confidentiality and property identification.
  4. Only the Extracurricular Activity Participant, parent/guardian, and the Director of Extracurricular Activities shall know the test results. When necessary, the DECA shall notify the appropriate head coaches and/or activity sponsors when students lose eligibility. Those persons who have results reported to them in accordance with these procedures shall sign a confidentiality statement.
  5. The vendor shall certify all drug screens as positive, negative, or trace and report the positive or trace presence of illicit drugs in a confidential manner to the DECA. The vendor shall not report any medications that a student discloses to the lab in response to a positive test result but shall inform the DECA that the student was a “false positive.”
  6. All test results shall be destroyed when the Extracurricular Activity Participant no longer has extracurricular eligibility.
  7. Results of drug testing performed by the Longview ISD shall not be voluntarily disclosed to local, state, or federal law enforcement authorities. Information shall only be disclosed to law enforcement authorities when compelled by a valid and binding subpoena or other legal process, which shall not be solicited by the District. In the event of service of any such subpoena or legal process, the District shall notify the parent/guardian.
  8. Sanctions And Positive Testing
  9. Offenses are cumulative for one year.
  10. The following sanctions shall apply to an Extracurricular Activity Participant testing positive to a drug test:


  1. The parent/guardian shall be notified of the positive testing and sanctions.
  2. The Extracurricular Activity Participant shall be suspended from after-school activities and scheduled events or competitions for the next three weeks or the first three weeks of the season. The suspension can be effective immediately and can carry over into a subsequent activity.
  3. The Extracurricular Activity Participant must complete a minimum of five hours of drug education/counseling, which must be documented. This may be delivered by a Longview ISD Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) or other acceptable professional. Drug education/counseling provided by a professional who is not employed by the District shall be at the Extracurricular Activity Participant’s and/or parent/guardian's expense. A list of LPCs shall be provided by the District.
  4. The Extracurricular Activity Participant shall be subject to drug testing at each of the next three testing sessions. This may and can carry over into the next school year. The testing shall be at the Extracurricular Activity Participant’s and/or parent/guardian’s expense.


  1. The parent/guardian shall be notified of the positive testing and sanctions.
  2. The Extracurricular Activity Participant shall be suspended from after-school activities and scheduled events or competitions for the next six weeks or the first six weeks of the season. The suspension can be effective immediately and can carry over into a subsequent activity.

  1. The Extracurricular Activity Participant must complete an additional ten hours of drug education counseling from a LPC or other acceptable professional. The counseling must be documented, completed outside the regular school day, and at the Extracurricular Activity Participant’s or parent/guardian’s expense. A list of LPCs shall be provided by the District.
  2. The Extracurricular Activity Participant shall be subject to drug testing at each of the next six testing sessions. This may and can carry over into the next school year. The testing shall be at the Extracurricular Activity Participant’s and/or parent/guardian expense.


  1. The parent/guardian shall be notified of the positive test and sanctions.
  2. A high school Extracurricular Activity Participant shall be suspended from extracurricular activities for one calendar year.
  3. A seventh or 8th grade Extracurricular Activity Participant shall be suspended from extracurricular activities for one calendar year.
  4. An Extracurricular Activity Participant may be reinstated after one calendar year if he/she has completed a minimum of fifteen additional documented hours of drug counseling and a negative drug test.
  5. Parent/guardian is responsible for all counseling at the third offense.
  6. An Extracurricular Activity Participant’s suspension from an extracurricular activity after the third offense shall begin the day the DECA confirms the third test as positive.


  1. The parent/guardian shall be notified of the positive drug test and sanctions.
  2. A fourth positive test shall result in removal of the Extracurricular Activity Participant from participation in extracurricular activities. A middle school Extracurricular Activity Participant shall be ineligible for the remainder of his or her middle school eligibility; a high school Extracurricular Activity Participant shall be ineligible for the remainder of his or her high school eligibility.

A copy of the Drug Testing Policy is available in Spanish upon request in the Central Office.

Una copia de la Politica de la Prueba para las drogas esta disponible en español en las oficinas administrativas si se requiere