
K-5 Science

The Arkansas K-12 Science Standards are based on A Framework for K-12 Science Education(NRC 2012) and are meant to reflect a new vision for science education. The following conceptual shifts reflect what is new about these science standards. The Arkansas K-12 Science Standards

•reflect science as it is practiced and experienced in the real world,

•build logically from Kindergarten through Grade 12,

•focus on deeper understanding as well as application of content,

•integrate practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas, and

•make explicit connections to literacy and math.

Science curriculum for K—5th grades.

  • Hands-on — lead students in the doing of science and engineering.

  • Standards-aligned science lessons — Cover core standards in 1-2 hours of science per week.

  • Less prep, more learning — prep in minutes not hours. Captivate your students with short videos and discussion questions.

Generation Genius is a K-8 teaching resource that brings school science standards to life through fun and educational videos paired with lesson plans, activities, quizzes, reading material and more.

6-12 Science

The Arkansas K-12 Science Standards are based on A Framework for K-12 Science Education(NRC 2012) and are meant to reflect a new vision for science education. The following conceptual shifts reflect what is new about these science standards. The Arkansas K-12 Science Standards

•reflect science as it is practiced and experienced in the real world,

•build logically from Kindergarten through Grade 12,

•focus on deeper understanding as well as application of content,

•integrate practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas, and

•make explicit connections to literacy and math.

Discovery Education Science Techbook

This flexible, digital K-12 science solution delivered through our learning platform, drives student engagement with exclusive phenomena and interactive content. Virtual and hands-on activities enhance the delivery of impactful, blended instruction.

CK-12 is an app to help students, and teachers improve K-12 learning globally by providing self-pace learning content & tools.

Learn over 5,000 math and science concepts at your own pace and in your own style! (videos, assessments, interactive objects, etc)

Science subjects include: Earth Science, Life Science, Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics