Choose Your Own Adventure
LBCC Edition

By Christopher and Beth Lyons

You chose to stick to the plan...

“We need to call the police while we got a chance,” you reply. “Agreed,” says Cliff. You both make for the exit with expediency, bust open the door, and run out towards Red Cedar Hall, where Cliff's office is located. Shortly before the door shuts, the bird rams it back open with a loud smack. “Oh no!,” you yell as you stumble onto West Way. No matter how fast you run, the bird is effortlessly gaining on you. Cliff reaches the stairs just ahead of you and clambers up them, then you reach the stairs just in time for the bird to catch up with you. The great avian leaps from a full sprint into the air and comes down hard on your upper back, slamming you face-first into the stairs. You see Cliff look behind him, being short of time to react or absorb what just happened to you. “Don't worry, I got this!,” Cliff yells, disappearing into the shadows of Red Cedar Hall.

The bird pecks at the back of your head, messing up your hair, as extreme pain spreads across your body and you feel your consciousness slowly slip away. The bird casually walks in front of you into the campus courtyard as everything you see fades to black. “I hope Cliff calls the police...,” you whisper and then pass out.


(This doesn't have to be the end. Try the story again from the beginning, or go back one step and alter your choice!)