Choose Your Own Adventure
LBCC Edition

By Christopher and Beth Lyons

You chose to search the building on your own...

You tighten your grip on the bat, and with determination say, “I totally got this.” You turn to your right and slide your back along the wall to peer around the corner of the main hallway. Glancing left and right, it's all clear. You edge around the corner and start walking towards the women's locker room, where you believe you heard sounds coming from earlier. Just as you pass the laundry room on your left, a hurried scuffle of scraping feet just ahead of you sounds in your ears. You back up a few steps and try to dodge into the laundry room, but it's locked. With exasperation, you jiggle the door back and forth frantically to force it open, but the small clamor you just made has drawn some attention.

You bite your lip trying to still force the door open, but a large object has just emerged in the corner of your eye. You turn your head to see the massive bird standing front and center in the hallway just outside the women's locker room entrance. As you muster your courage, the bird lowers its head to your level and shatters all your confidence with a loud echoing screech. Your heart is pounding in your ears and you turn and run back towards the gym. The scratching footsteps of the bird are in hot pursuit.

Almost slipping, you make a sharp left turn through the gym doors and make a mad dash for the exit on the other side. As you execute your turn, you hear the quick clap of the bird's over-sized beak several inches behind your head, followed by the sounds of talons tearing away at the slick floor trying to gain traction. You reach the other door and heave it halfway are almost there! Just as the door becomes wide enough for you to make your escape, a giant foot impacts you in the back, slamming you headfirst into the heavy door and closing it. You slide down the door onto the floor like a cartoon character. The bird is nipping at your hair and neck. You feel your consciousness leaving you as you look up at the massive bird standing over you with one large foot on your chest. Your last thought is, “What was I thinking?”, and then everything fades to black.


(This doesn't have to be the end. Try the story again from the beginning, or go back one step to alter your choice!)