How Do I Optimize Youtube Videos For SEO?

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YouTube Video Backlinks

Yes, it is well worth the time. Building backlinks to YouTube videos is going to bring many benefits. Google sees backlinks as a vote of confidence and so videos that have more backlinks will stand a better chance of ranking in the search engine results.

How Do I Optimize Youtube Videos For SEO

But before you build backlinks you should make sure that your on-page SEO is spot on first. YouTube SEO for videos is essentially the same as any other Internet entity when it comes to Search Engine Optimization. First you get all the on page optimization done and then build backlinks to it.

So lets take a look at what we mean by on-page SEO.

The Video Title should contain the main video keyword. It is always a good idea to take a look at the other videos ranking for your relevant keywords and see if you can spot a pattern in the way the titles are constructed. Do they ask questions? Are they mainly How To's?

YouTube Video Optimization The video description should be a minimum of 500 words. Remember that first 125 characters will show in the listing so should focus on enticing people in your audience to click through and see the video.

It's also a good idea to link out to your main website and other social media properties. If you are a local business include your NAP (name, address, phone) and link back to your GMB.

If you include a minimum of three hashtags at the end the description and don't declare a location in your settings those hashtags will show up under the title. Make the hashtags your main target keyword plus other related keywords.

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