Be Active & Respond To Youtube Video Comments

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Last but certainly not least, the best way to use YouTube as an SEO tool is to post comments on your videos and respond to others. You can either reply to the original poster's comment, or start a new thread that includes a link to your website blog. When you are starting a new thread, you should include a quote that's relevant to the post you are linking to and include a backlink to your site. This is known as blogging your way to SEO Backlinks.

As with all SEO it involves work and an investment of time. Here at LinkDaddy we provide specialist packages that will do all the hard work for you, building quality backlinks to your videos and helping you rank well in the video SERPS. To find out more and get free membership and a free trial, just click here.

If you follow these basic guidelines, pay attention to YouTube analytics, your basic engagement metrics, keep producing high quality videos and high-quality backlinks and you will be on the road to YouTube success.

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