Identification Process
Each spring, MSAD 75's G/T Identification Committee reviews data on students and requests additional data, as needed, to identify students who may be eligible for MSAD 75 gifted and talented services. The identification committee includes a minimum of 3 qualified professionals.*
Their responsibility is:
To oversee the annual review of the identification process
To identify students eligible for gifted and talented services based on an in-depth assessment of the collected information
To collect additional information as needed
To ensure that the identification process is equitable
*This includes (but is not limited to) one administrator, one G/T staff member, and one classroom teacher (or other professional educator with appropriate expertise).
Chapter 104 Maine Department of Education, Chapter 104: Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Children
The screening process begins with a survey of student's national test scores and nomination. The committee considers student performance on the CogAt and NWEA tests, as well as students' task commitment, creativity, and teacher evaluation. 5-7% of students in each grade level (across the district, not by school) are identified for our Gateways G/T Program
A student can be nominated for review by an educational professional (teacher, principal, guidance counselor) parent/ guardian, or themself. Parents who wish to nominate their child for gifted and talented support services should first consult with their child’s teacher. If a nomination form is desired, contact:
Following the initial review, identification in subsequent years is focused on those students entering grades 3, 6, and 9. The annual review process serves to ensure that the needs of new students and the changing needs of others are served appropriately in the interim.
For a PARENT SLIDE SHOW for more information, Click here:
Parent(s)/guardian(s) are notified in writing of their child’s identification status after spring identification. The parent letter for identified students includes a request for written parental permission for the child to receive gifted and talented services. Written notification of gifted and talented identification is also provided to the student’s teacher(s) and principal.