Domain 6

Domain 6. Meaningful Engagement of Families and Community

Effective educational leaders engage families and the community in meaningful, reciprocal, and mutually beneficial ways to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

Family Communication

At School No. 10, we communicate with parents through multiple means, including social media, as well as the district's Blackboard Connect and CLassDojo. Using the School Story feature on ClassDojo, announcements can be sent out which can be translated in a variety of languages.




Blackboard Connect

Family Involvement

At School No. 10, families are routinely invited to participate in school events, programs, and extra-curricular events.

PTA School of Excellence

This past October, we applied for designation as a PTA School of Excellence. In speaking with a member of the executive board who is also a faculty member, this seemed to be a natural fit since we our partnership with the PTA.

Family Feedback

School 10 PTA Questionnaire (1).pdf

At School No. 10, we routinely survey families to see how we can better improve as a school. We view family involvement as a benefit, and an opportunity to better serve our students.