Domain 2

Domain 2. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Develop and support intellectually rigorous and coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

"Teach Like A Pirate"

In order to promote greater collective efficacy, and have fun at the same time, the educational book, "Teach Like A Pirate" was distributed at the last faculty meeting last year to all staff for summer reading. At the beginning of the year, a webcast was coordinated between our staff and the author, Dave Burgess.

Instructional Leadership Team

The Instructional Leadership Team has met frequently this year, meeting all together on November 19th to conduct internal rounds at School No. 10. We met the following Monday as a school to discuss next steps forward, and had all staff complete Dr. Hite's "if what, so what, now what" activity via Padlet.

Data Reflection Sheets

BOY Data Grade Level Reflection Sheets.pdf
Schoolwide Data Analysis Reflection.docx

Common Planning

Common planning is an essential part of progressive instruction, and in moving together in grade levels. Below are a few examples of forms received, which are submitted digitally every 2nd and 5th instructional day.

Common Planning 1025.docx
common planning 10_11_19docx.docx
Common Planning 10-11-19.docx
CP 9_6_19.docx

Teacher Observations

observation (1).pdf

EdCamp NJ


Every year since 2015, I have attended the EdCamp NJ professional development event. In 2015, I was the only Linden educator to attend. This past year, six Linden educators made the trek on a Saturday. Last February, in lieu of a traditional Principal's meeting, a School No. 10 EdCamp was held, where teachers shared and collaborated with others, in a no-pressure, relevant professional development afternoon.

Continued Teaching at School No. 10 and Middlesex County College

I continue to find time to teach as an Adjunct Instructor of History at Middlesex County College, as well as during model lessons at School No. 10 in order to keep current in my teaching strategies, as well as stay relevant with my own staff, particularly when discussing instruction and offering resources for implementation.