
LEAP Innovators and Investigators

Mrs. Roegner

314-729-2410, ex. 1121

Room 121


In L.I.I. students will have the opportunity to use design thinking to create their own independent investigations or innovate with a variety of materials in a Maker Space. While the products will vary depending on student choice and interest, all L.I.I. students will develop life-long learning skills, such as goal-setting, problem-solving, resource gathering, collaboration, communication, creativity, and reflection. Students may only take L.I.I. for a weighted honors credit for two semesters during their high school career.

Life-long Learning Skills in LII:

  • Setting realistic and ambitious goals
  • Collaborating and communicating
  • Creativity
  • Research and resource/material gathering
  • Developing plans
  • Creating and meeting deadlines
  • Risk-taking and learning from failures
  • Reflection


A student’s experience in L.I.I. will depend upon individual interests and skills. Some students may work on ten projects during the semester, some may only work on four. Regardless of the number of projects, these expectations must be met

  • You must use (and document) a design process, which will include daily goal-setting and note-taking, as well as weekly reflection.
  • At least two projects need to be completed during the first quarter of the semester
    • If you are working on larger, long-term projects, you may submit parts of your project to meet this requirement. Please approve this with me before launching into such an endeavor.
  • At least one new project and a resigned/improved/modified project must be completed the second quarter of the semester
    • Again, for larger, long-term projects, you may submit improved or redesigned parts of the project.
  • At least one of your projects must be for an audience other than yourself.
  • You will present one of your projects to the class at the end of the semester as part of your semester exam.
  • No matter the number of different projects you actually complete, you will use all class time on some aspect of the design process.
  • You will be part of a community of Makers, giving feedback, teaching others what you know, and learning from others


  • Each quarter is worth 45 percent of the semester grade
  • The semester final assessment is worth 10 percent of the semester grade
    • Class Presentation
    • Semester Reflective Essay
  • Each quarter grade is determined by the following weighted categories
    • Using and documenting the Design Process=70%
      • This will be assessed using the Project Rubric through project submissions, and checking students’ design notebooks.
    • Maker Mindset=30%
      • Areas assessed will include use of time; making daily notes, goals, and reflections; and a student’s contribution to creating a productive Making community (helping others, taking and giving feedback, respecting materials, cleaning up work spaces, etc.)


  • Students will be expected to bring and maintain a design notebook daily.
  • Students will have access to materials in the Maker Space. Please let me know if you feel our Maker Space is in need of particular supplies, and I will see if I can get ahold of them. Any additional materials needed for a project chosen by a student, must be provided by the student.

Behavior and Attitude:

To create an environment conducive for Making, students must display the following attributes:

  • Students must possess a growth mindset: Challenge yourself and learn from your failures.
  • Students must be collaborators: We Make as a community--be kind and encouraging, share your experiences, help others when you can, and accept help when you need it.
  • Students must treat materials with respect: Use only what you need, clean up after yourself, take safety precautions when necessary, and get instruction on unfamiliar tools before use.
  • Students must stay busy: Projects and schedules are determined on an individual basis, so you are never “done” until the bell rings, until the semester ends. There’s always something new to Make. Stay busy!