Project Submission and Rubric

Project Submission Requirements

You finished a project. Congrats! Now what?

You need to not only share what you made with me, but also you need to walk me through your design process. As reflected on the rubric on the next page, I will be assessing your ability to

  • Empathize/Identify
  • Define/Specify
  • Ideate/Brainstorm
  • Prototype/Build/Create
  • Test/Reflect
  • Redesign/Iterate (at least once a semester)

In order for me to be able to assess you, you will need to show me evidence of each stage of the process, through your daily goals, weekly reflections, design notebook, research notes, etc. If you are not following a design process throughout your project, it will be very difficult to receive a “good” grade. I am grading the process, not the end result.

Submission Methods

  • Have a one-on-one conference with me. Make sure you bring everything necessary for evidence of your design process as well as your finished work. Please give me a couple days’ notice before you want to do the conference.
  • Present to the class. As well as sharing what you’ve made, cover the steps of the design process, and share examples of work you did throughout (surveys conducted, research read, brainstorming note, sketches, daily goals, etc.). This is a great option if you are seeking feedback for a redesign. Please give me a couple days’ notice before you want to present.
  • Write a paper. Make sure you explain how you fulfilled the steps of the design process and support this explanation with evidence of your work. Submit your paper on Google Drive.
  • No matter what method you choose, you will be assessed using the following rubric. Make sure your submission covers all aspects assessed on the rubric.


  • You will receive a separate score for each step of the design process listed above. These scores will be entered separately in SIS.
  • Scores are listed on the rubric as “Did it!” (95-100%); “Mostly did it” (85%); Kind of did it” (75%); Didn’t do it (0-65%)


LII Design Rubric.pdf