Safari Photos

We LOVE pictures and so we want to share them with you as we take them!! Due to the quantity of pictures for some events, you may have to click a link, but it is totally worth it : ) Enjoy these pictures throughout the year!! 

Market Day Madness!

We had a great day with our annual Market Day! The kids were SUPER creative and we were very impressed with their savvy economic thinking.  Check out all the different products the kids worked hard on by clicking the link below. 

100th Day of School! January 24th

Today we celebrated the 100th day of 2nd grade and boy what a day we had! We started the day with each student bringing in 100 items. During morning meeting we compared all the items and arranged them from smallest to biggest. After Spanish, we then completed 100 minutes of service. During this time the students participated in several things from helping younger kids in Spanish, taking care of the greenhouse, filling bird feeders and planting some herbs, and cleaning various areas of the elementary building. We then ended our service time with a trip to Mrs. Brooks' kindergarten room where we worked with them on counting to 100 and did some fun 100 day movement exercises. 

To end the day, we completed stem activities all centered around the number 100! The kids had a great time, stacking 100 cups, making the number 100 out of 100 legos, building a party hat out of 100 pattern blocks, creating structures out of 100 cookies, making as many hairy glasses out of silver pipe cleaners as they could, and building a birthday cake using Playdoh and 100 candles! Here is a link to all the pictures we have from the day. Please enjoy : )

9-11 Day of Service and Remembrance

On Friday, 9-9 our class participated in LCS' 9-11 Day of Service and Remembrance by learning and making friendship bracelets. They they packaged goodie bags with these bracelets in them and we delivered them to local Urgent Care facilities in Denver and Huntersville. Take a look at our pictures from that day here. 

Soft Starts

Here are some fantastic creations that happen during Soft Starts in the classroom. Enjoy looking at these and keep checking back as we will add to them all year : ) 

Map Making Fun!

Friday was full of map making fun with icing, cookies, and chocolate kisses : ) Click here to see all the creations!

First Day Fun in the Jungle!

Click here to see some pictures from our first day of school!