Remote Learning Plan

Remote Learning Plan for Grades 6-8

  • Teachers will communicate assignment expectations with students via their classes on Google Classroom.

  • If a student does not have their school assigned chromebook, they can download the Google Classroom App on a phone or they can log into any computer using their account.

  • Students have been trained on where and how to access these assignments. Just in case, here is a Parent's Guide to Google Classroom.

  • Teachers will be available by school email. For access to a teachers email, click here:

Day 1 - ELA and Science

Day 2 - ELA and Science

Day 3 - Math and Social Studies

Day 4 - Math and Social Studies

Day 5 - STEM or Reading

PE - Do 1 activity from the assigned Choice Board each day.

BAND - Do 1 activity each day you would attend Band (M, W, F)

Chorus - Do 1 activity each day you would attend Chorus (T, TH)