Lifepointe Kids Page

August 2nd, 2020:

From the Bible:

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. According to Genesis, who made the earth and everything in it? (God!)

  2. If you could go back in time and witness just ONE DAY of the six days of creation, which day would you want to see the most? (Discuss)

  3. Where do you see God's creativity in the story or in the world around you? (Discuss)

  4. How did God make YOU creative? (Discuss)

(Parents, don’t feel like you have to have all the answers to your kid’s questions! No one has ALL the answers. The important thing is that you validate the importance of asking questions and engage your kid in a conversation about faith. Check out for more on helping your kids develop their faith.)

Family Prayer:

“God, we thank you for all of the ways that You have been creative since the beginning of time. We thank you for creating us, and for making us creative like you. Lord, please help us to find creative ways to help others and the world you created this week. We love you. Amen.”

Activity to Print:

Worship Options:

Additional Worship for Preschool:

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