First Grade Spring Flower Planting and Fall Popcorn Harvest Activities

Spring Flower Planting Instructions

Use these flower cards to assist you in planting

Read About Flowers and Popcorn

Look for these books on corn in your school's garden library! View our suggested literature list.

Fall Popcorn Harvest Activities

Popcorn Harvesting Instructions

Suggested Materials

Steps for Success

1. Leave corn on stalks until first frost (or when kernels can easily rub off)

2. Pull corn ear down, twist, and pull (students can take turns doing this or work collectively)

3. Take corn cob to a table and students can use their thumbs or twist off kernels into a bowl

4. Pop kernels with a small bit of oil either in a large saucepan on the stove with a lid, or in an electric popper.

5. Sprinkle salt on top and serve

Explore before Explaining Have kids brainstorm in teams all the different uses for corn.


Seeds we eat brainstorm

Ag in the Classroom Stuff

Popcorn Flip Book

Harvest Info

Story Books

Harvest and Storage info

Make a root view and watch corn grow in the classroom

Make a RootView CupDownload RootView Cup Lesson