Laurana-Baldi International

Welcome to our Language Department Site! 

We are a great group of dedicated teachers focussed on fostering linguistic proficiency and cultural awareness among our students. Through a dynamic curriculum and a wide range of extracurricular activities, we strive to create a supportive and engaging environment where students can thrive according to their individual needs and interests. 

Curious to discover more about us? Enjoy this Kahoot activity

Curious to learn more about our school? The students of 1G LSA (SY 2022/23) have created a mini-site to introduce our school in English: take a look! 

An Introduction to Liceo Laurana-Baldi

Il presente sito è gestito dai docenti del Dipartimento di Lingue del Liceo Laurana-Baldi di Urbino - 

E’ vietata la copia e la riproduzione dei contenuti in qualsiasi modo o forma - Legge 248/00 e modifica legge 633/41 - Copyright © Tutti i diritti riservati


This website is managed by the teachers of the Language Department of Laurana-Baldi High School in Urbino. 

Copying and reproduction of content in any way or form is prohibited - Law 248/00 and amendment to Law 633/41 - Copyright © All rights reserved