LEF Grants at Work

Learn More About How LEF Grants Benefit Our Students

First Grade Books

First Grade Teacher, Mrs. Spencer, explains how the Liberty Education Foundation’s contribution for purchasing books helps Liberty students grow as readers! 

Robotics / STEM

Stephanie Hodgson, Junior High Science teacher: Several years ago, I wanted to start a STEM program for our students at Liberty School. The LEF gave me grant opportunities to purchase supplies for this program to happen. They helped me purchase Sphero robots and Cubelets to help teach students how to program robots. The LEF has given me a chance to provide an opportunity for our students to grow in the STEM field. At Liberty, we want to not only prepare our students for a bright future, we want to also prepare them for jobs that don't even exist at this point in time. LEF grants are giving our students those opportunities.

Life Skills Room

Special Education teacher Ms. Ormond explains how the Foundation assisted with a grant from ShopWithScrip and Home Depot to build the Life Skills Room - a studio apartment setup to help students learn independence skills.

Kindergarten Books

Montanna Altmix - As a new kindergarten teacher, I realized there were not many new, colorful books that kids could read during small group time. Thanks to LEF, the kindergarten team was able to purchase thousands of dollars worth of books for our kids to use. LEF is helping to instill a love of learning and is building readers by all of the books and flexible seating options we have been able to purchase.

LEF Grant Awards