Wonderfully Fearfully Gifted 

Kindness 💜Inspire 💜 Create 💜 Collaborate💜 Nurture Passions 💜Celebrate Being Unique💜Never Give Up💜Be Awesome


Email: wpleak@libertyhill.txed.net


Twitter (X)@WendyPleak 

Driven by student inquiry and initiative, the Gifted and Talented class focuses on authentic,

real-world problem solving through the use of long-term student designed projects. Students will

further develop written and verbal communication skills, practice critical thinking, and

demonstrate imaginative skills and time management, while learning to collaborate with peer

teams and outside experts. The goal of this class is to provide students with the necessary skills

to think creatively, readily accept challenges, and take control of their own learning, ultimately

preparing them to engage in a post-secondary environment.

At the elementary campuses, gifted and talented classes occur at a minimum of 90 minutes each

week. Students attend gifted and talented classes during “flexible schedule” time at each

individual campus. 

Via GT, students will started their year by completing personal interest inventories, discovering their creative type, learn to generate ideas, participate in class discussions, and collaboration challenges. In order for them to feel comfortable taking risks, we first build a solid community within the classroom that encourages the  4 C’s +1 R- Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Reflection. 

Throughout the year we will be working on challenge activities to help with some of the struggles gifted individuals might experience and ways to work through them.  At times we will do  STEM challenges focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, create inspirational and passion projects, tap into our creative arts and creative writing, explore different reading genres, and learn how to generate discussions on different perspectives and other exciting experiences that come our way. We are hoping to also bring in authentic presentations from real world experts to enhance our passions and interests. 

We will focus on smaller projects throughout the year and develop high-level, critical thinking, and creative projects that tie into the Genius Hour guidelines. We will promote the 6 P's Passion, Plan, Pitch, Project, Product, and Presentation. This promotes self motivation, creating community, connecting and encouraging, and intellectual conversations. Most importantly students will take control of their own learning and pursue things that matter to them all year long.