Liberty Hill ISD Assessment Department

Due to the unprecedented COVID-19, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) has CANCELLED all STAAR 3-8, STAAR EOC, and STAAR Alternate 2 state administrations scheduled for April, May and June 2020.

Adjustments have also been made to AP testing, TSI, SAT, ACT, ACC Courses, and SSI requirements.

Please review the sections below for TEA updates and clarification of the future impacts for these decisions.

STAAR Grades 3-8

Students enrolled in grades 3-8 have been waived from taking the STAAR test this school year (2019-2020) for the grade level they are currently enrolled in nor will they be required to take it any school year thereafter.

For example, if the student is enrolled in 5th grade this school year in 2019-2020, the student will not be required to take the 5th grade STAAR test this school year or any school year to come. Next year when the student is enrolled in 6th grade, the student will be required to take the 6th grade STAAR test.

Students in grade 8 taking Algebra I EOC, please review the information under the STAAR EOC section.

For grades 5 and 8, the Student Success Initiative (SSI) promotion/retention requirements found in the Texas Education Code (TEC) 28.0211 have also been waived for the 2019-2020 school year. The Student Success Initiative applies to students in grades 5 and 8 who do not pass the STAAR mathematics and/or reading. Please visit our SSI website to learn more about the SSI requirements.


STAAR End-Of-Course (EOC) Assessments / Courses: Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, U.S. History

The STAAR EOC has different implications due to the nature of the assessment. Normally, in order for students to meet graduation requirements, a student must meet the passing standard of Approaches, Meets, or Masters on all five STAAR EOC assessments. For a student who has not met the passing standard on up to two of the required STAAR EOC assessments the student may still graduate via an Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) process. However, this school year, a student may graduate via an IGC regardless of the number of EOCs not passed.

The Texas Education Agency has cancelled all the STAAR EOC assessments for the 2019-2020 school year as well but unlike the STAAR grades 3-8, some students will be required to retake the EOCs next school year. Please review the different scenarios below to find out if your child will need to take the STAAR EOC in the future.

A senior:

  • who has met the passing standard for all five STAAR EOC assessments and is not currently enrolled in an EOC course does not need to complete the IGC process. The district must ensure the student has met all other graduation requirements under Texas Education Code (TEC) 28.025(c), including successfully completing curriculum requirements.
  • who has not met the passing standard for all five STAAR EOC assessments and is currently enrolled in an EOC course(s) (including students repeating the course due to previously not passing the course) is waived from the EOC assessment that the student is enrolled in if the student earns course credit this school year. If the student has other STAAR EOC assessments for which he/she is not enrolled in and has not met the passing standard, the student will need to complete the IGC process for each of the remaining STAAR EOC assessments. Note: If the student does not earn course credit this school year and has to repeat the course, the student will be required to pass the corresponding EOC assessment to meet assessment graduation requirements.
  • who has not met the passing standard for all five STAAR EOC assessments and is not currently enrolled in an EOC course must complete the IGC process for each of the remaining EOC assessments not passed in order to meet graduation requirements.
  • who has met the passing standard for all five STAAR EOC assessments but has not passed all EOC courses and is currently enrolled in an EOC course and receives full year credit, does not need to complete the IGC process. The district must ensure the student has met all other graduation requirements under Texas Education Code (TEC) 28.025(c), including successfully completing curriculum requirements. Note: If the student does not earn course credit this school year the student will be required to repeat the course to meet curriculum graduation requirements.

Student enrolled in grades 9-11:

  • who has not met the passing standard for all five STAAR EOC assessments and is currently enrolled in an EOC course(s) (including students repeating the course due to previously not passing the course) is waived from the EOC assessment(s) that the student is enrolled in if the student earns course credit* this school year. For these students, the waiver reduces the number of EOC assessments the student must pass to meet assessment graduation requirements. *Note: If the student does not earn course credit this school year and has to repeat the course, the student will be required to pass the corresponding EOC assessment to meet assessment graduation requirements.
  • who has not met the passing standard for all five STAAR EOC assessments and is not currently enrolled in an EOC course because the student has passed the course but did not pass the EOC assessment, the student is still required to pass the corresponding EOC assessment to meet assessment graduation requirements. The student will have future opportunities to meet this requirement (e.g., December 2020 STAAR EOC administration).
  • who has not met the passing standard for all five STAAR EOC assessments and is not currently enrolled in an EOC course because the student has not yet enrolled in a course with a corresponding EOC assessment is required to take the corresponding EOC assessment when the student enrolls in the course and must pass the assessment to meet graduation requirements.
  • who has met the passing standard for all five STAAR EOC assessments and is currently enrolled in an EOC course(s) because the student did not pass the course previously will need to successfully complete the course to earn credit and complete curriculum requirements.

STAAR Alternate 2

The Texas Education Agency designed the STAAR Alternate 2 to assess students in grades 3–8 and high school who have significant cognitive disabilities and are receiving special education services. The administration of the STAAR Alternate 2 assessment is determined by the student's Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) committee. The STAAR Alt 2 has also been waived for this school year and the student's ARD committee will continue to make educational decisions related to the required performance on academic assessments.

Grades 3-8: Students enrolled in grades 3-8 have been waived from taking the STAAR tests this school year (2019-2020) for the grade level they are currently enrolled in nor will they be required to take it any school year thereafter.

For example, if the student is enrolled in 5th grade this school year in 2019-2020, the student will not be required to take the 5th grade STAAR tests this school year or any school year to come. Next year when the student is enrolled in 6th grade, the student will be required to take the 6th grade STAAR test.

Grades 9-12: Students currently enrolled in an EOC course (Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, U.S. History) are waived from taking the the assessment for these courses. Decisions for any other STAAR EOC assessment for which a passing standard has not been met will be made by the student's ARD committee.

Optional End-of-Year (EOY) Assessment

TEA is offering a free tool to parents to diagnose how much their student learned this year. Parents interested in this option will need to work directly with Pearson. For more information, please visit TEA's Optional EOY Assessment webpage.