Mrs. Dawson's Class



As a parent myself, I sometimes come across articles that I find really interesting (even if I don't completely agree with them) or helpful for the health and growth of kids both in the classroom and at home. And usually, I think, "Oh I wish I could share this with parents!"

So, my web page seems to be the place.

If you are interested and like the article, great! If you read it and think it's rubbish, that's fine, too. I'm not wishing to push something on you...just wanting to share what I come across.

There are constantly new studies and philosophies about children's growth and development that are important to give some thought to. I hope that I can be a resource for you in that area.

So, if you'd like, you can occasionally check HERE to see if there's anything new. It's just for you! Hope you find it helpful.

R. Dawson


Check out this video to understand why we do what we do......

Just keep in mind that, in the school setting, we are inhibited by the teacher's greatest enemy: TIME. Our students can re-do, re-engage, and re-test within time limits, such as progress report grading periods, end-of-unit times, or six-week grading period deadlines.

But that doesn't mean that we can't encourage students to try again, learn from mistakes, and grow into their best selves!

This article is interesting because it presents different viewpoints (which I appreciate). I believe different things work with different kids. But it does present some interesting points-of-view.