Mrs. Burnikel

Dear Families,

I am very excited to be returning to Rancho Sienna for another exciting year of teaching. You will be amazed at the academic growth your child will make throughout the school year. This is one reason why I love teaching second graders!

My teaching experience consists of 20+ years as a first/second grade teacher. I taught in Bismarck, ND (born and raised) for 5 years and from there I moved abroad and taught in Abu Dhabi, UAE for 5 years. My husband and I have been living in the Austin area for the past 16 years and love it!!

We are the proud parents of our 12 year old daughter, Adison. She is in seventh grade at Santa Rita Middle School.

Outside of school you will find me cooking, traveling, reading, and gardening. And I love to watch a University of Texas football game!

We are going to have an incredible year! I can’t wait for the learning experiences we will all share together.


Mrs. Burnikel