Contact Information

Mrs. Abigail Thomas

Mrs. Thomas teaches 7th-grade Reading at Laurel Highlands Middle School. Mrs. Thomas is both a Laurel Highlands and a California University of PA graduate. She is the sponsor of the middle school newspaper, The Mustang Messenger, and an assistant coach to the LHMS Girls Soccer Team and the LHMS Track Team. 

Mrs. Thomas is certified to teach Secondary English 7-12  and she is currently enrolled as a graduate student at CalU studying Advanced Studies in Education and Educational Leadership. She lives at home with her husband, Kody, two cats, and one dog. Mrs. Thomas loves spending time outside, reading books, and spending time with friends and family! 

Laurel Highlands 

Middle School

18-20 Hookton Avenue

Uniontown, PA 15401


Mr. Michael Rozgony


Mrs. Bobbi Downs

Assistant Principal

LH District Website:

The Highlites, LHHS online newspaper: