Digital Transformation Tool - FAQ's

What is the DTT? 

The DTT is an audit tool to baseline, assess and inform the strategic leadership and development of technology for everyday T&L and support school systems. It can be revisited to track progress with a schools/MATs Digital Strategy. 

Why has the DTT been created? 

Who is the DTT for?

Initially Senior Leaders to support the management of effective change required for adoption of impactful use of technology within school communities. The hope then is the results will be shared with stakeholders and on the School Development Plan. 

How has the DTT been formulated?

Will it take long to complete and who should undertake the task?

Why should school leaders complete the DTT?

Who has created the questions and what has informed their inclusion? 

The current database of questions and level descriptors have been created by:

How can I/we maximise the benefit of completing the online form?