
Ms. Brandy LeBlanc

Hello, I was born and raised in San Diego, CA, and I have lived in East County majority of my life. I earned my Bachelor's Degree in English and a Teaching Credential in English from San Diego State University.  

This is my 6th year working for Literacy First Charter Schools. I taught 9th Grade English at Liberty Charter High School for the last 5 years. 

I'm very excited about helping out everyone in Academy have a successful year. 

Academy Overview

Academy can be summarized with three words: Productivity, Support, and Accountability. It is the job of the student to be productive, and it is the job of the teacher to support them in their work. If a student is not being productive or is interfering with the productivity of others, then the teacher will hold them accountable to their actions. 

In order for Academy to work well, the students need to be on board with the mission and purpose of the class. 

Students are expected to fill out their Academy Checklist at the beginning of every class. This checklist is an agreement between the student and teacher about what the students will be working on during their Academy time. The students should be specific in what they write. They should not write “math” for example but rather the specific math assignment.

Students are expected to work quietly and independently during Academy on homework assigned from their other classes. Students may work more cooperatively after that if and only if they worked well independently and if given permission by the Academy teacher. The Academy teacher will be checking to make sure that students have finished assignments before the independent work time is finished. 

Students are expected to use their time well meaning that they complete assignments within Academy class within a reasonable amount of time in relation to the nature of the assignment. For example, students are expected to complete a 15 minute assignment within about 15 minutes. 


At no point are students allowed to play games on the Chromebooks. The Chromebooks are reserved for assignments only. (The exception would be special occasions if the Academy teacher gives the student permission.)

Students are expected to have an independent reading book and a composition book (designated for use only in Academy) everyday in class for days they finish any assignments early. 

Looking forward to a great year!

Ms. LeBlanc

8th Grade Academy Teacher

Literacy First Charter Schools Junior Academy