8th Grade


8th Grade policies

Late Work:

Work turned in after the due date will be given a maximum score of 50%. Work turned in more than a week late will receive a score of 0%. 

When a student turns in late work, whether in-person or online, they must email the teacher with the assignment name and date so the teacher knows to check the assignment.

Academic Integrity: 

Students are expected to do their own work. While we encourage collaboration on certain assignments, the work produced must be original work from each student. If multiple students turn in the same paragraph or paragraphs that have only a few words changed, then the students will get a zero for that assignment/assessment and may have to find alternative ways to take assessments in the future.

LFCS Email and Passwords:

It is very important that students do not share their Google passwords. Sharing your password opens you up to many negative situations where others can pretend to be you and do or say things you would never do or say yourself. It also makes it possible for others to copy your assignments without your knowledge. In order to make sure another student does not go into your account and copy your assignments, you must keep your password private. If you share your password and someone goes in and copies your work, then you will be held accountable for the copying also.