Mrs. McCoy's Favorites

Jennifer McCoy

Birthday - May 25

Family/Children - Don (Husband), Cassandra Hanson (Cassy) 27, Daron (Son-n-law) 28, Quinn age 3(Grandbaby)  Kendra 25, Malikhi, 26 (son-in-law) Veronica (Mickie) 22

Pets - Dog (Maggie and Mac), bird (Niko)

Favorite Food - Donuts (I can’t eat them tough because I am diabetic so I will say green beans)

Favorite Pizza topping - The Works

Favorite Desserts - sugar wafers (sugar free)

Favorite Fruit - Blueberries, Bananas, Oranges, Pomegranates

Favorite Veggies - cherry tomatoes

Favorite Candy - sugar-free toffee squares, sugar-free caramel, sugar- free peanut butter cups, sugar- free coconut in chocolate, sugar free Werther’s Originals and Werther’s chewy

Favorite Drinks - Mountain Dew Zero, Diet Mountain Dew, s,  Bai (watermelon),  McDonald’s Unsweet Tea with 6 Splendas and my newest Sunkist Zero 

Pastime/Hobbies - Camping, Gardening in the summer, canning, cooking and finding new recipes to explore, scrapbooking, taking pictures 

Favorite Sports - Softball, Volleyball

Favorite Restaurants - Mike Linnig's, Arby’s, Mccalisters, Cattleman's 

Favorite Stores - Amazon, Catos

Favorite Splurges - Massages, small appliances, kitchen gadgets and unique glass dishes, Bible studies and Bibles, taking trips to see my daughter Kendra, bath bombs

Favorite Scent -  Hot Maple Toddy or anything sweet

Favorite Flower - Stargazer Lilies

Favorite TV Show: Top show is: BIG BANG and Young Sheldon, All the rest come after that: All DC t.v. series except for Super Girl, Stranger Things, Once Upon a Time, Gilmore girls


How I Decorate - Scripture and family pictures

How I Spend Time with Family/Friends - Camping, Movie Nights at home, Nerf gun fights with my grown children, music/singing around a campfire, taking my dogs to the park to play in the water, snuggling my animals, cooking, playing with my Grandbaby

How I Relax - Hot Baths, Camping Trips, Watching  superhero movies and television series, coloring in my Bible Coloring book

College Attended/Degree Awarded -Mid- Continent University; B.S. in Business Management

Year Started at LFCA - School year 2007-2008