Ms. Kirkley's Class

Welcome to 5th Grade!

This website is here to serve as a resource for parents to keep track of what is going on in our ELA & Social Studies class this year. I will update this site weekly on Saturdays or Sundays. My email is if you need to contact me.

Meet Ms. Kirkley!

My name is Ms. Kirkley and this will be my fourth full year at CIS in 5th grade. I graduated from Columbia College in December of 2019 with a degree in Elementary Education.  I also have my Gifted and Talented endorsement. The thing that I love most about 5th graders is that they are so passionate about everything that they do and are so resilient. It is also a time when they really start to develop their personalities and grow as readers and writers. In my free time, I like to go on walks, volunteer at Pawmetto Lifeline, or hang out with my family and friends. I am looking forward to another fabulous year in 5th grade!

Please fill out the Google Form linked HERE so that I can know some more about your child!

Amazon Classroom Wishlist

If you are looking to support our classroom, please checkout our classroom wishlist here! Thank you in advance!

School Supply MUST HAVE'S: 

Each day, students should have the following supplies readily available:

Important Dates