WIN | Career Readiness
Are you Career Ready?
The SC Department of Education (SDE) has created the profile of a student graduating from high school with a diploma to be career ready. In order to measure this data and show SC graduates are indeed ready to work the SDE pays for all graduates to complete The Work Ready Credential. The WIN is a workforce and development tool, comprised of three proctored assessments, Work Ready Math, Work Ready Reading and Work Ready Data, leading to a portable crediential.
WIN Testing is administered to all Eleventh grade students in the Spring each year.
Employers Working with WIN
Standard Motor Products
ReWa (Water Reclamation)
ETCON Employment Solutions
Essential Healthcare Services
Greenville County Schools
Savannah River Nuclear
The Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) is a partner with WIN and has connections with employers. Due to those connections, we partner with DEW on employer outreach and engagement. As DEW connects WIN with employers, we move quickly to train their team and help them to implement WIN solutions.