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Ten Tips for Guiding Your Student Through the College Application Process

  1. Promote Independence: Urge them to make their own decisions in High School, so they learn to make them for college. Help them learn how to advocate for themselves, select their own classes, manage their money, friendships, etc.

  2. Let your Student Lead the Process: Encourage your student to choose the kind of school they want to attend, while encouraging support from teachers, counselors, parents/guardians.

  3. Connect with Your Students’ School Counselor: Encourage your student to connect with their counselor throughout the process. Encourage your student to connect with their counselor starting in 9th grade so that they are able to build a relationship.

  4. Get Organized: Help your student to keep track of dates and deadline for applications, testing, etc. by helping them develop a tracking system that works for them and you.

  5. Prepare For Interviews: While not all schools utilize an interview process, you can help your student by encouraging them to learn about the school and how it may fit their needs. Learning about the school can help them develop insightful questions that they can use in an interview or college visit.

  6. Make it Their Campus Visit: Try to visit college campuses before they apply, this will give your student an idea of whether or not they can see themselves there.

  7. Be Honest: If you are not planning to support your student going to a certain school be clear and honest from the beginning while also encouraging them to tell you why they see themselves at that school.

  8. Let the Student Complete the Application and Essay on Their Own: The application process is complex, yet it is an important part of the college process that allows students to struggle and overcome. Encourage them to complete the process independently while seeking support from you, teachers, counselors, etc. when they need it.

  9. Talk to Your Student About Something Other Than College: The college application process can be overwhelming so encourage your student to have a healthy relationship with it by helping them direct their attention to other things they enjoy. Remember, their Senior year should be an experience not just a precursor to college.

  10. Anticipate a Wild Ride: While the college application process requires a lot of objective evaluation, it is important to also acknowledge that it can also cause emotions to run high.

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251 Waltham St, Lexington, MA 02421

781-861-2320 ext: 69724