Science for All

Science for All Statement

Across human history, every culture has attempted to make sense of the world around us. Science is one way of doing so. However, the scientific community is not immune to bias, racism, and hierarchical power structures. Yet, scientific investigation and evidence can be used as tools to challenge societal constructs, to inform policy, and to make positive change.

Lexington High School science educators seek to provide a safe and inclusive class environment where all students have a voice and equitable access to engage with the practice of science. We commit to diversity, equity, inclusion, anti-racist and anti-bias practices because we all belong.

Commitments of Science Teachers

This year, we as science educators commit to:

  1. Promoting a positive class culture of high expectations for ALL students, and giving students the tools and access they need, as individual learners, to reach those expectations.

  2. Developing curricula that reflect the diverse cultural backgrounds of our LHS community and providing all with opportunities to share their cultural knowledge.

  3. Taking a critical lens to curriculum to attend to and address bias found in textbooks and other materials.

  4. Engaging in on-going reflection on our own identities and impact.