Lex Get Started!
Important documents for the start of the school year
A Google site for Lexington High School, Lexington, MA
By September 9, 2024 we ask parents/caregivers to review and update critical information through the ASPEN Family Portal. Through the portal, we ask you to review and update the following:
Your child’s contact information (How to review & how to change your child’s contact information). Please note that when you report contact changes electronically, you will not see it recorded immediately in the family portal. Changes will be reviewed by school personnel and then posted to the student record.
Update your annual agreements. This includes open campus (grades 11 & 12), media permissions and data privacy preferences, and LPS handbook & acceptable technology use agreements (How to review & how to change annual agreements)
Not sure what your user name and password is? Please send an email to familyportal@lexingtonma.org. Students, please email studentportal@lexingtonma.org from your lexingtonma.org account if your Aspen account has been deactivated. For additional ASPEN help resources, you can always visit our webpage here.
You can add "LHS Block Schedule" and/or "LHS Day Schedule" to your own Google Calendars by clicking on the +GoogleCalendar button in the lower right of each calendar widget. It may also be useful to make your own electronic copy of the LHS Block Schedule so you can fill in your own class schedule for each block.
Additional important information about the start of the school year will be added in the opening weeks
Calculators for math classes
Students will need a Texas Instruments TI-84 or TI-83 calculator for all math courses at LHS. Our school recommends purchasing such a calculator which can be used for all 4 years of high school. Access for everyone is our priority, so we also make long-term loans of calculators to any student who needs one. A student can borrow a calculator by seeing Miss Butterfly in office 711, weekdays 7:45-11:30 a.m. beginning August 28, 2025. Students must return the calculator when they no longer need it, or before leaving or graduating LHS, or else there's a charge for the calculator's value.
Opening weeks HR/Advisory slides