For Parents & Caregivers

General Education

Book Suggestion: Yardsticks, by Chip Wood - a thoughtful guide to childhood development from kindergarten through early high school.  

Eight Steps to Parental Success (an article on parent/teacher conferences)

Preparing Students for Middle School (A generally helpful article for parents)

Hot Topics 

But I Want to Do Your Homework! - a very important look at homework (NY Times) - keep in mind that research shows homework can be helpful as long as it's purposeful

25 Ways to Ask Your Kids "So How was School Today"...  How to get your child to share more about her/his school experiences.  

Texting - Concerns?  Benefits? Articles presenting various perspectives and research can be found below:

1) USA Today - +/- for language development

2)  NY Times  - health and social concerns?

3)  BBC - possible benefits for language acquisition

It's Time for Middle School!  An article for parents about supporting your child's transition into middle school.