
Patriots' DaY Parade

Parade participation and celebrating our chapter members' patriots is a highlight of the year.

Exciting Speakers

Our chapter invites guest speakers to our meetings. bringing education and resources to our members. We especially enjoyed a visit from Tuskegee Airman Lt. Col. Enoch Woodhouse.

Civic Education

Our chapter provides several civic educational opportunities in the area, including Constitution Week. 

Yard Sale

Our annual yard sale helps to fund most of our annual activities and philanthropy efforts. 

Support  the VA

The chapter supports patients at the Edith Nourse Rogers Veterans Hospital in Bedford, as well as Trust House in Boston, the only all-women's veteran's housing currently operating in the country!

State Events

Chapter members also support state-wide DAR efforts in various roles.


Traffic Island

Restoring and maintaining local historic monuments, including the horse water trough located in the traffic island at the corner of Bedford and Reed streets and the bronze plaque installed by our chapter on the Lexington Battle Green to mark the site of the old town belfry.


The chapter contributed to the preservation of historic flags with the Lexington Historical Society.