Below are some resources to help you and your children

During times of stress, it is important that we are taking care of ourselves. Below are a few resources on self care and coping skills for children and adults. If you or you believe you or your child need more intensive mental health services, please call or email a school counselor at Pleasant Hill Elementary School.

Disclaimer: The following links are purely for educational purposes and are not intended as a substitute for mental health or psychological treatment. If you are in need of psychological help you should seek the consultation of a licensed mental health professional.  Please contact your school counselor for further assistance. 

Self Care Routine

Self Care Routines


Helping Children Cope

Coping Skills Actvities for Kids

Coping Skills Activities 

When you feel bored.

When you feel bored

Flyer for Schools.pdf

Lexington County Mental Health Flyer

Coronavirus Resources v3.20.20 (002).pdf

How to Apply for Medicaid & SNAP over the phone