New Providence Elementary School Counseling Corner

Welcome to  New Providence Elementary's School Counselor website! 

Our site will keep you informed on the latest details and updates on our School Counseling Program. We have included information regarding our role, who we are, and the services we provide at NPE. We have also compiled a variety of resources focused on assisting you in improving your child's mental health and well-being. We want you to know that our counselors are here for you when and if you ever need us!

Love, Mrs. Chaney & Mrs. Jordan

Mission Statement

The mission of New Providence Elementary School Counseling program is to support kind, confident, respectful and hard working individuals.  We advocate to create a safe, nurturing, inclusive environment and a  diverse culture of excellence where we focus on the whole child.  We strive to build long lasting relationships with all children through Social/ Emotional, Academic and Career Learning.

Vision Statement

Be Kind. 

Be Confident. 

Be Respectful. 

Work Hard.