Units of study


Unit 1: It’s nice to meet you!

At the end of this unit, you will be able to greet someone and introduce yourself, to describe yourself and someone else, to ask and answers questions about someone else (name, age, birthday, physical description, personality…)

Unit 2: What do you like to do?

At the end of this unit, you will be able to understand information/questions about activities, to write, ask and tell about your likes and dislikes (sport, activities)

Unit 3: Tell me about your family!

At the end of this unit, you will be able to introduce your family members (name, age, physical features, personality, hobbies), to ask and answer questions about family, to understand interviews or texts about family.

Unit 4: My school life

At the end of this unit, you will be able to understand information about school, to write, to ask and speak about your school life (schedule, supplies, subjects, and teachers).


Unit 5: Let's go out to eat!

At the end of this unit, you will be able to speak about your eating habits, to order food in a restaurant, to understand a menu, to describe a restaurant (atmosphere, food, and waiter).

Unit 6: I need some new clothes!

At the end of this unit, you will be able to describe an outfit, to understand an advertisement, to communicate with a salesperson while shopping, to talk about your style, about what you like to wear, why and when.

Unit 7: Around the house

At the end of this unit, you will be able to describe your house, your room and its furniture (setting), you will be able to ask and answer questions about what you have to do at home (chores).

Unit 8: My adventures in WL class!

This unit is optional. It is meant to be a review of the entire course (A & B).


Unit 1: About you and me

At the end of this unit, you will be able to greet someone and introduce yourself, to describe yourself and someone else, to ask and answers questions about someone else (name, age, birthday, physical description, personality…), to understand information/questions about activities, to write, ask and tell about your likes and dislikes (sport, activities)

Unit 2: My Family

At the end of this unit, you will be able to introduce your family members (name, age, physical features, personality, hobbies), to ask and answer questions about family, to understand interviews or texts about family.

Unit 3: My School Life

At the end of this unit, you will be able to understand information about school, to write, to ask and speak about your school life (schedule, supplies, subjects, and teachers), to compare and contrast US schools and schools from another country.

Unit 4: Around Town

At the end of this unit, you will be able to describe places in a city, to understand information about places in a city (interviews, maps, brochures, travel websites)


Unit 1: Can we talk?

At the end of this unit, you will be able to introduce and describe yourself and someone else, to express your likes and dislikes, to share your opinions, to ask and answer simple questions, to discuss your leisure activities and interests, to discuss important people in your life.

Unit 2: My daily life

At the end of this unit, you will be able to talk and write about my daily activities and routines, to ask and answer questions about day-to-day activities, to make plans for the week-end, to tell about your chores.

Unit 3: I'm hungry

At the end of this unit, you will be able to describe your eating habits, to understand a menu or a restaurant review, to give details about my plans for eating or preparing food, to give advice about healthy eating habits, to accept or reject an invitation, to ask about and tell what happened to me or someone else.

Unit 4: How do I stay in shape?

At the end of this unit, you will be able to describe your eating habits, to give advice about healthy eating habits, to understand news stories, commercials or reports about health and fitness, to say whether food or physical activity is healthy or unhealthy and why, using health guidelines, to talk to someone about my diet and physical activity, to describe what is wrong with me or someone else for basic, common issues, to discuss a health issue with a partner.


Unit 1: Memories

At the end of this unit, you will be able to understand a written piece (internet sites, short story, magazine articles, etc.) about someone’s childhood/life, to ask and answer a variety of questions about your childhood, to discuss a historical figure’s past with a partner, to describe someone else’s life – their likes and dislike or any specific memories of events, occasions, etc., to present information about a past event.

Unit 2: The future

At the end of this unit, you will be able to understand what is asked for on a college application, to understand a description of university life, to understand a passage about professions, to ask for and give advice and information about class schedules, or college programs. to ask and talk about professions, to talk about what you need to do to accomplish your goals, to talk about your future plans after high school, to describe college and university campuses and schedules, to compare several colleges or programs.

Unit 3: Our planet, our concern

At the end of this unit, you will be able to understand an ad or commercial promoting care for the environment, to understand documentaries dealing with environmental issues or interviews with native speakers about their concerns, to write information about your contributions to the environment in a letter, blog, discussion board, or e-mail message, to give advice on caring for the environment (brochure, poster, etc.), to compare environmental action in your community and in a target culture community, to present consequences of actions to the environment, to discuss consequences of actions to the environment.


Unit 1: Folklore

At the end of this unit, you will be able to understand some details in a story, to understand the basic meaning or ideas of a cultural song, story, legend or fairy tale delivered orally and by text, to give a basic summary of a story you hear or read. You will be able to write and talk about people, activities, events, and experiences, to tell a familiar story, to compare folklore from the target culture and your own, to create a story, to give and justify your opinion on works of folklore, to analyze and discuss the purpose and types of folklore.

Unit 2: News Flash

At the end of this unit, you will be able to understand some details in a news story, to understand different segments of a news program (weather, sports, national news, local news, human interest), to give a basic summary of a news report that you hear or read. You will be able to summarize and present a current event, to share my opinion on a topic and justify it, to explain basic causes and effects of familiar current events.

Unit 3: History and its resulting challenges

At the end of this unit, you will be able to understand details in a news story, to understand some details from different accounts/perspectives of an event. You will be able to present elements of a historic event or period, to share contributions to and/or effects of an event or period, to present key figures in and event or period, to share modern relationships to the past. You will be able to ask for and give a basic opinion on causes and effects of specific, familiar events, to talk about some accomplishments or challenges of a target culture.