In the Classroom

Culture and presence in the school

We watch authentic children's shows, we do a St. Martin's parade, we do St. Nikolaus boots, we listen to popular German kids bands.

Nicole Willis, DES.

3 years ago I had a German guest teacher for a year through the Pädagogische Austauschdienst. This allowed for my students to have a native German in class all year. The German Club also volunteers at the Columbia Oktoberfest. We have German club once a month where we focus on cultural activities (normally holiday related). My upper level German class also goes monthly to our German Immersion Elementary School to do cultural activities such as St. Martin's Tag with Lanterns and St. Nikolaus Tag.

Sarah Buckliew, RBHS

My level 3 classes make Schultüten during the “Memories” unit.

Caroline Oates, WKHS

Our older students make Schultüten for the younger students at the school year (K), Nikolaus, Weihnachten, Ostern, Karnival, Logo Kindernachrichten and other tv shows such as Deutsch mit Socke und Löwenzähnchen.

Birte Fretwell, DES

I use authentic resources such as children's books relating to the theme of the unit and sometimes a movie as well, I use authentic videos and texts for interpretive assessments, usually after the new year I do a Bleigiessen activity on a website with them.

Jessica Finkbeiner, LHS

German week at Gilbert High School with Anita Lambert

German breakfast at Pleasant Hill Middle School

Connections to STEM

12 high school students from the District who were interested in German and Science received scholarship through the Goethe Institut Chicago to attend a sustainability summit in May of 2019. Two German teachers also attended and worked closely with science teachers to develop a STEM curriculum while the students attended labs and lectures on sustainability.

Pelion High School and River Bluff High School

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In 2017, the Deutsch macht Spaß award grant enabled River Bluff High School to sponsor a field excursion for students who were enrolled in both German and Mechanical Design.

Sarah Buckliew, RBHS

Extra-curricular activities

I have travelled with students to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

Victoria Connelly, PHS

I participate in Run Hard where I only speak German with all students. During the summer we have "Playdates" and this year we will have a 3day German soccer camp.

Birte Fretwell, DES

using technology

We do flipgrid with Lexington High School German program. We also use powerpoints and ipads to create videos and podcasts.

Jessica Finkbeiner, LHS

The students regularly use Kahoot, Seesaw, Xtra Math, Google surveys, EduCreations, Chatterpix to name just a few.

Birte Fretwell, DES

We use technology on a daily basis to record presentations, review the vocabulary, create posters, play games or communicate with other classes across the district. (Shadow Puppet, Picollage, Kahoot, Quizlet, Seesaw)

Myriam Grandjean, PHMS

My school was selected to be the pilot school for the KinderUniversität which is a fantastic platform for science explorations! The kids LOVE IT!

Birte Fretwell, DES

REAL-LIFE Situations

We had 2 exchange students this year from the Friendship Connection program. They stayed a month at our school. It has been a great experience for everyone!

Myriam Grandjean and Rebecca Cornett-Schnetzer, PHMS

We have connections to the German American Partnership Program. We also won the Deutsch Macht Spass Grant where students who were in our STEM classes and German classes got to go to local German Companies such as IFA Rotorion and tour the facilities. We have contacts with BOSCH and BMW.

Sarah Buckliew, RBHS

We have had German for Hire visitors, my friends and family via FaceTime and other visitors such as Goethe-Institut visitors.

Birte Fretwell, DES

I am a native speaker myself. Every year, when family or friends from Germany come to visit, I invite them to speak to my classes.

Victoria Connelly, PHS

Teacher Cadet is a program many of our schools offer. High school students in this program have the opportunity to get their first taste of student teaching. Lauren Smith, a high school senior, chose to do her student cadet work at Lexington Middle School in Frau Boiter’s German classes.

“It was a great experience having Frau Smith in my classroom as a teacher cadet. She brought a fresh perspective and through her enthusiasm was able to connect with the students. Seeing Frau Smith's excitement of being in the classroom brought me back to my days of student teaching. It is sometimes difficult, when we as teachers have so much on our to do lists, to still feel that excitement. But having the opportunity to be Frau Smith's cooperating teacher helped me remember how exciting it is to teach and to know that we are making a difference.”

Kasarah Boiter, LMS