Welcome to the Library

Wood Elementary School Library Mission Statement

The Wood Elementary School Library will empower and equip students to be productive citizens by instilling a love of reading and providing innovative ways for them to Think, Create, Share, and Grow.

Image of the Wood Owl School Mascot

Visiting the Library

  • Students/Homerooms have scheduled, bi-weekly library visits.

  • Students are connected to the library through their grade level Library Google Classroom. Email sleaphart@lex2.org if your student is not connected. I will send them an invite or share our classroom code with you.

  • Students DO NOT have to wait for a library visit to check in/check out materials. They are able to place books on hold, send requests to me via email, chat with me in the hallway, etc. I welcome the exchange and am very proud of the students who take advantage of the opportunity to utilize the services provided. If you have questions about specific procedures, please feel free to email me.

  • Students can check out two books at a time. When a hold is ready, they are sent an email and must place books in the book drop in order to have those holds checked out to them.

  • Please see the Library Policies and Procedures page for more details.

Photo of Mrs. Leaphart

About Mrs. Leaphart (Wood Elementary School Librarian)

Hi! I am Mrs. Leaphart and I am excited to share my love of reading and learning new things with you. I read a lot of non-fiction books and enjoy gardening, running, cooking, hiking, sewing, and visiting new places. I learned to read by memorizing books that my mother would read to me (over and over, bless her!) when I was a little girl. My favorite book was The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes by DuBose Heyward. It was originally published in 1939 and has had a significant influence on the decisions I have made throughout my life. Every book I have ever read has changed me, and for that I am grateful. I hope you are reading books and allowing them to change you as well!