Wood Elementary 

5th Grade  Information Hub

Hey 5th Graders & Parents!

Welcome to our 5th Grade Information Hub, a page where you will (hopefully) be able to find everything you need this school year.  

Dr. Portune

SS & Launch ELA

Mrs. Carpenter

Science & Launch Math 

All Subjects

Ms. Kammerer

Ms. LeBoeuf

Ms. Platt

Dr. Portune


Her Favorite Drink: Iced Coffee, Pepsi, Water

Her Favorite Snack:

Her Favorite Fast Food:

Ms. Platt


Her Favorite Drink:
Diet Pepsi or Water

Her Favorite Snack:

Her Favorite Fast Food:

Ms. LeBoeuf


Her Favorite Drink:
Diet Pepsi or Water

Her Favorite Snack:

Her Favorite Fast Food:

Mrs. Carpenter


Her Favorite Drink: Water

Her Favorite Snack: Peanut M&Ms

Her Favorite Fast Food: Moe's

Ms. Kammerer


Her Favorite Drink: Water or Dr Pepper

Her Favorite Snack: chocolate chip cookies

Her Favorite Fast Food: Chic-Fil-A

Website created and maintained by Kyrsten Hall and Sarah Kammerer.