Visual Arts

Hello. My name is Heather Campbell and I am the pk-12 Visual Arts and 7-8th grade computer teacher at Lewiston Consolidated School. This school year will be my 5th year at Lewiston, and is my 10th year of teaching.  Before coming to Lewiston, I taught Head Start in Lincoln-Nebraska, and was a substitute teacher for Lincoln, and Beatrice Public Schools.

I am also a Junior Class sponsor, Co-Coach for Cheer and Dance, One Act Director, yearbook and district newsletter sponsor, and help keep the school website and facebook page updated.

I have lived in Nebraska for 20 years and graduated from Beatrice High School. My husband Jake and I have been married for 16 years and have three daughters. Our older two daughters attend Lewiston. Aisilynn is an Freshmen and Eloise is a 3rd grader. Our youngest, Finleigh will be 2 years old this coming January. 

Please feel free to email me at any time if you have any questions or concerns.