Theatrical Arts

"Country Ella"

by: Wes Cannon

The 2020 One Act play this year is "Country Ella" by Wes Cannon. We have performances scheduled for Nov 18th and 21st, and Dec. 2nd. Our home performance is still to be determined.

Cast List: Photos

Final Casting for One Act:

“Country Ella” by Wes Cannon

· Ella: Masyn Arena

o Understudy: Case Carel

· Aunt Zilla: Case Carel

o Understudy: Carleigh Weyers

· Uncle Johnny: Kienen Creek

o Understudy: Freddie McMurray

· Hilly: Emma deKoning

o Understudy: Charidise Minzel

· Billie: Kelsay Bledsaw

o Understudy: Aailiyah King

· Mrs. Buttermilk: Leah Christen

· Narrator: Jaszmyne Charles

o Understudy: Kienen Creek

· Bubba: Jon Janssen

· Buford: Hayden Christen

· Stage Crew:

o Aaliyah King

o Charidise Minzel

o Rhiannon Harms