
If your intentions is to follow a degree path, this page is designed to support your journey

One of the first things to be aware of is timings - it's good to know when you need to do things across the two years. Whilst it isn't essential to know the course you want to do in Yr 12 we recommend getting to university open days to explore your options.

Useful videos

These videos give you an insight into the UCAS process from start to finish, as well as giving you advice over picking the right course and university for you.

Open Days

You may think it's funny, but lots of students fall into the trap of not only applying to universities that they haven't visited but also ones that they don't actually know where they geographically are. 

Do you know where you want to apply? Does it need to be local? Can you get there easily? All important questions to ask yourself when thinking about attending open days.

Also, be well prepared! How long is it going to take? Is anyone else going? What time does it start? What do I ask?

Use the poster opposite as a guide to things you may want to find out on an open day 

Oxbridge, Sutton Trust and Russell Group

Oxford and Cambridge form 'Oxbridge' and are two of the top universities in the UK, and falls under the category of an 'early entry' - meaning you will need to complete your application in the October of Yr 13 and not the January.  It also means you will have 'entrance exams' at the end of Year 12.

Above are 3 official Oxford videos to provide you with an overview of applying.

Above are 3 official Cambridge videos to provide you with an overview of applying.

Oxford and Cambridge are slightly different in their set up, and you apply to be part of different 'colleges' regardless of the course you are applying for.  For an overview of this system, check out these videos.

Russell Group and Sutton Trust universities are seen as the top universities in the UK and have prestige.  Degrees from these can often lead to better opportunities when going into employment. Some; you will see, are both Sutton Trust and Russell Group and tend to offer 'traditional' degree courses.

Russell Group locations

Sutton Trust universities

Early application courses and entrance exams

For Oxford and Cambridge universities, as well as courses in medicine, dentistry, and veterinary Science, you would be applying for an early application course or university.  This means your application is submitted in October of Year 13 instead of January.  It also means you will need to complete a specific 'entrance exam' in relation to that course or university. To find out more about these entrance exams read this section of the UCAS website.  For some of these, we have textbooks to help, kept within the Sixth Form office that you can borrow. Also information on the specific courses can be found on the course/career section of the website found here.

Student Summer Schools (year 12 )

Many universities offer 'Summer Schools' in the Year 12 summer over varying lengths, to give you a chance to 'try' their university and allow you to rule it in or out on your list.  Others may offer a 'Step up' programme, which you can take part during the Year 12.  Either way, participation in this can result in a reduced offer when you do apply. More information can be found below.

Personal Statements

Below you will find a number of resources to help you write your personal statement

UCAS personal statement help

Student Finance and Finance support

Student finance is a source of worry for many students and parents but it isn't as scary as it needs to be. We always provide a student and parental talk the February of Year 13 (ahead of it opening in March), to ensure you have all the required information in readiness.  There are other things to be aware of such as the NHS bursary scheme if applying for healthcare courses such as medicine and nursing etc, as well as scholarships to provide financial boosts.  Check out the videos below for more information.

Be university ready

Just like moving into Sixth Form was a change, it still had a feeling of familiarity - university will be different. Your friends may be going to a different university, or not at all.  You may be close to home or far away - it's going to be a change! Open days, residential trips and summer schools give you a chance to prepare.  Below are a number of resources to help you take those next steps. 


Each university will have its own way of arranging accommodation so it's important to find out at open days and on their website.  Most will open applications at the start of March and require you to apply to the university you plan on making firm choice.

You need to consider the difference between private and public halls or residences. And get an overview of the facilities in each option as well as the cost.

To have an overview of accommodation, please watch the video opposite.