The Sixth Form team (staff)

Here at Lewis Girls' your achievement and wellbeing are vitally important. To ensure you are supported throughout your time here, you will have the Sixth Form team available to help.

Mr J Szura

Head of Sixth Form

With over 12 years experience working in the Sixth Form team, Mr Szura is on hand to manage your transition from Year 11 to your next steps on completing Sixth Form. He is your first stop to discuss any subject issues, any concerns and provide UCAS/career advice and support.

Mr D Green

Assistant Head of Sixth Form

New to the Sixth Form team, Mr Green teaches English Literature and leads on vocational subjects and VESPA.

Mrs A Thomas

Wellbeing Lead

Based in the Well-being office, Mrs Thomas is your go to person if you have any well-being concerns. She will provide support and guidance around any well-being concerns you may have.